Rex nods. "It's yours. I've already studied what I needed from it. If you need help I can assist as best as I can. It's divided into four sections. History, Genealogy, Culture, and Known Spells. Father liked to take detailed notes on species he came across. One of the reasons why his stuff lies here. If the Hunters ever got a hold of it, it could spell the end of every species. He was working on something big, before he stumbled upon the undead problem. He called it the Book of Anima, said that whatever was being the problem wanted that book as well. What we're looking for in the Steppes is the ruins that have it. The Lich is after that. We find it, destroy it and the Lich, and we win. Simple, yeah?" [hr] Zion chuckled at her outburst. "You are allowed to speak freely among us, young one. You'll find that the common practices of the Court don't generally apply here. Especially with the last two Kings rarely ever visiting their own Palace. I doubt Rex even knows that he has four of them now." He laughed then stopped when he watched her transform. "I was wondering why you never showed any of your Fae ancestry. It is very strong, no doubt aided by my blood. I apologize for that. I do not know if the Hunters would take to that kindly..." He sighed. "As it is, our companions await. Hop on your horse and do try to keep up." He spurred his knightmare and charged for the city, cape fluttering behind him. The horse's steps rolled through the plain like the shaking of earth. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that this was some mere vampire. A soft and steady drifting of smoke trailed the horse as they headed to the gates of the city that quickly approached. They were opened well before he arrived, and he slowed, turning back to raise an eyebrow at his young progeny. [i]"Oh do hurry it along, child. Don't be afraid of her. She is just a horse."[/i]