There was a lot of information to consider. The data he had just received from the system and his final experimentations last night, along with the analyses he had made when he had awoken during the night, had given him a lot to think about. He was very close to levelling up again, which was good news, and hopefully he would be able to get that last 8% before the Goblin tribe from yesterday arrived. He was also, as he had already suspected, in a party with the other three people in his little group; so far this didn’t provide many benefits, other than letting him know they were generally healthy, but if they could raise their bond somehow they might unlock additional benefits. Not that he had any idea how to do that. Oberon thought back to what he had seen last night and the information he had gained from analysing his fellow party members. He had seen the Poison magic Ash had been using and it seemed like something he might be able to replicate but with more difficulty than someone with natural poison production might be able to; if he had a sample of poison it would undoubtedly be easier and he was in good company for something like that it seemed, but the spell didn’t seem useful enough or different enough from his other spells to be worth it right this moment. His analysis of Ash herself was more interesting, as it seemed to suggest that her glinting eyes from the night before was related to a new skill she had learned to observe Mana and her control over it had grown as well. Most likely this had something to do with the Mana Sense and Mana Control skills that had shown up in his skills list since the last time he had checked; either he had observed her using them, though the system surely would have let him know if he had, or more likely he had touched on those skills with his spell creation yesterday. Both sounded like useful skills to have so he would need to talk to Ash later on about learning them, perhaps when he was helping her with whatever she wanted his help with last they spoke. The analysis of his other two party members, Torrent and Digbie, were less enlightening either because he already had a good idea what they were capable of or because he had analysed them before. Worryingly, they were both surrounded by some strange force as they slept, which might go some way towards explaining why he had felt so uneasy last night; the system said they were unharmed and there was nothing he could do about it at the time, even waking them up might have been dangerous, but he needed to speak to them both at some point about it. Ideally it would be best to get all four of them together and have a conversation; about this world, about their experiences, what they had discovered, what they wanted to do, what their goals were both short and long term. He still didn’t know anything about them, not really; he had clues about Torrent, and he could guess that Digbie was younger than himself and that Ash was older, but that was it. They could have so much to learn from each other, not just skills but other things as well; just a short conversation yesterday about how he thought he could use existing materials to help create different spells apparently helped Torrent create a bunch of her own. More collaboration like that could have huge advantages for all of them. He could tell them what elements they were weak against, for one. All three of them apparently had elements that they were weak to or strong against, either because of their affinities or the nature of their species; flying creatures were weak to Ice and Wind, underground creatures were weak to Light and Metal and Digbie was apparently weak to something called Taint. Those weaknesses likely held true for other creatures with similar features to themselves as well, such as all scaled creatures having a resistance to Earth or all flying creatures being susceptible to Wind, which could help them a lot in future fights. As he thought about it the Sprite looked down at himself and used Magic and Monster Analysis to try and find out his own elemental weaknesses; as a Light aligned creature he assumed he had a few. Unfortunately, any meeting of the minds would probably have to wait until after they were done with the Goblin’s from the Broken Tower tribe and given how they were already on the way he had limited time if he wanted to try and gain a little more experience before they arrived. The easiest way would surely be to complete another skill, or maybe to level up an existing one, unless another giant creature decided to attack their camp in the next five minutes. Rather than pin his hopes on a random encounter, Oberon thought back to the skill list he had just called up; his list of incomplete skills had apparently grown considerably since he had last checked it, more than he would have thought. Stronger, Mana Sense and Mana Control were all unexpected, while Wind Resistance was easy enough to attribute to his Wind Break spell exploding in his face and Air Read was a natural consequence of working with the element. The most interesting new addition however was Gravity Well, which was not something the Sprite ever expected to see in his skill list. How had he gotten that? It must have been related to his attempts at Shadow magic, but what had he done exactly? He knew the attempt hadn’t worked, in fact he was so far off the mark the system felt the need to let him know about it, but somehow he seemed to have stumbled across an entirely different kind of magic. The message he had received last night told him that he was trying to draw in everything in his surroundings, which certainly sounded like a gravity well, but it also warned him that the spellcraft was unstable. He’d tried to reach out to the darkness, searching for Shadow, only to find nothing of the sort and instead tried to draw in everything; or he’d tried to draw in the darkness and since he was surrounded by nothing but darkness it was the same as trying to draw in everything. Whatever the case he’d stumbled across something that interested him very much, but he would need to be exceedingly careful with how he approached it. Flame Lance. That would be the easiest spell to complete. He had already used it a couple times against the Giant Slime and it had seemed to work quite well even when he was just creating it on the fly. Standing up, Oberon raised a hand and conjured a Fireball above his palm before reaching out and reshaping the spell into the elongated, spear-like shape he had used before. The Sprite then compressed the Fire magic down as much as he could, attempting to harden the oblong shape so that it would be able to penetrate whatever he threw it at, like he had done to create the Mana Dart spell. Rather than stop here however, he tried to go a step further and concentrate the condensed energy even further, to shrink the fire down and gather it together in an even more solid form, to turn the flaming lance into a glowing rod of heat and energy. Once he was satisfied with his work he let the Flame Lance 2.0 fly, aiming it at a rock across the stream from him rather than at a tree or anything else. The last thing he wanted to do was accidentally start a forest fire. [hider=Action Report] Used "Magic Analysis IV" on Oberon Used "Monster Analysis II" on Oberon Attempted to cast "Flame Lance" by compressing and reshaping a "Fireball I" [/hider] [@Zeroth]