[@1Charak2] remade sheet [hider=Character Sheet] Appearance: [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EBepQKbUYAEtgAI?format=jpg&name=medium[/img] Name: Krenko Age: 27 Gender: Male Personality: Krenko is a thief with a heart of gold. He has great intentions and knows how to do good but the thrill of stealing and getting away with it is a feeling that is too good to pass up. Brought up being taught proper edicit Krenko has learned how to be charming to a fault always trying to coax his way out of most situations with sweet words. His words sometimes get him in trouble as he doesn't seem able to see the line between when to continue and when to stop. History: Ito Ishioka has always had an issue with taking things that don't belong to him. What started with candy bars from convenient stores quickly evolved into snatching wallets as he grew which gained him a rather sour reputation. When he was caught at the age of seventeen it appeared that he would go to prison for a stretch until the man he stole from paid his bail and freed him. Ito, simply happy to be freed, swore a debt to the man that he would do whatever it took to repay him. Little did he kmow that the man who saved him was a yakuza boss who had some different plans for him. Over the next few years he made a living as a professional thief for the yakuza while keepimg his promise. With a portion of his money he did his best to help people with his ill gotten gains as the things he was asked to do became more and more drastic. Finally he was asked to be a gurad on a drug run which he didnt agree with but to pay his debt he kept his word and made the run which ended in his death at the hands of a rival faction. The last thing that went through his mind was the regret that he died a criminal and couldn't do something good with his life. [hider=Inventory] [List] [*]Clothes on his back [*] 1x knife [/list] [/hider] [hider=Tier Zero Skill] [B][i]Charisma[/i][/b] - Krenko is quite the charmer and as such has a higher probability to reach favorable outcomes in social situations. Weither its negotiating price at the market or convincing guards to look the other way, he just seems to have a knack for talking. [/hider] [hider=Skills] [Hider=Tier One Skills] [List] [*]Small Stature - Krenko is smaller than the average human which holds a disadvantage he can easily but crushed by larger creatures. [*]Attraction to Shiny - As a goblin, Krenko is uncontrollably attracted to shiny objects. They do not need to have any true value but if he sees it he MUST obtain it. [*]Natural Stealth - Goblins have a natural affinity to stealth. [*]Speed - Being small and light Krenko is naturally faster than most. [*]Darkvision - Allows an individual to see up to 60ft in total darkness [/list] [/hider] [Hider=Tier Two Skills] [List] [*]Stealth - Naturally inclined to staying hidden Krenko has a greater understanding of stealth. [*]Perception - Krenko is able to notice things that most overlook and is able spot hidden things easier. [*]Slight of Hand - Krenko is better at manual trickery than the average person able to deftly take things off of most unaware people. [/list] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]