[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmUyMjgxMi5WR2hsSUZabGJuVmwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/red-hat.text-italic.png[/img][/center][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmUyMjgxMi5TR1ZoWkdWa0lGUnZkMkZ5WkhNZ1FXNXViMjVoSUVOdmJHOXVlUSwsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/red-hat.text-bold.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjYwLmY1ZTIwZi5USFZqWVhNZ1VubGtaWEksLjAA/smoothy.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [quote][color=8882be]"Uh, sure Lucas. I really enjoyed hearing about how that one insect rolled fecal matter into large balls. It was very...stimulating to learn."[/color][/quote] [color=fff200]"I'm really glad you agree. Not a lot of people are willing to listen to me prattle on, but don't worry I'll let you talk my ear off once I'm done. If you want to."[/color] Lucas seemed unable to realize that Lycoris wasn't in the mood to talk, and he immediately launched into an explanation of how hippos' lived in a biome called the Savanna on old Earth and survived through a combination of being the largest things in the rivers, and having such thick skin that predators could rarely even make them bleed Just form a casual conversation it was clear that Lucas was completely enamored with animals, even the ones that were long since dead. If you asked him to explain what was special about an animal he could sit you down and explain for half an hour all the little tricks of biology they had to make them stay alive and endure. It was sort of admirable... and very strange. Lucas treated Lycoris like they were the best of friends, and at times rivals, even though they rarely met and even more rarely did anything that could be called "hanging out." Despite all that whenever they met Lucas would ask how she was doing, what she was working on, and volunteer to tell her all about the newest animal he learned about. The general consensus was that Lucas was just friendly to everyone, or otherwise that there was something special about Lycoris that made him treat her that way. As to what that something special was... Respect? A crush? It was hard to tell with Lucas. [color=fff200]"anyway their skin is so thick that the only animals that can threaten them are Rhinos, Elephants, and other Hippos. Just because they are so big and thick-skinned. Although the bone-crushing jaw and weighing as much as a ton certainly helps... I'm actually a little disappointed that the answer to their success was just... be bigger. But I guess if it works it works."[/color] Lucas shrugged indifferently. [color=fff200]"anyway I'm done talking. What's up with you?"[/color] Lucas seemed honestly interested in hearing what Lycoris had to say, now that he had said his piece [hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmUyMjgxMi5WR2hsSUZabGJuVmwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/red-hat.text-italic.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmY3OWIyYi5SR2x1SUZOb1lYSndJRUZ5WldSeWFXTnIuMAAA/angelina.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=f7941d]"I'm sorry Soren, I need you to get in your cage, at least until we have gone through the required ceremonies."[/color] The peregrine falcon tapped her talons on Din's large protective glove, extended her wings and shook herself. Which probably meant, "I'm more comfortable with all this room. Don't lock me in a cage" [color=f7941d]"I know you don't like cooped up girl. I'm sorry."[/color] Din gently extended his gloved hand into Soren's birdcage, and she reluctantly climbed off his glove and into the cage. Din closed the cage and Soren began grooming herself, puffing up and then slicking down her feathers. [color=f7941d]"Thank you Soren. Now then, it's time for me to get ready"[/color] Din made sure he went the whole nine yards in his preparation. He put on his finest set of officer clothing, complete with a medal. He checked and double-checked that he was in perfect, presentable order. When he was finally satisfied he left his quarters with his head held high. Soon it would be time for him to take his place as one of the men coming off the Venue. He had to make a good appearance. [hr] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmY3MmIyYi5SVzFwYkdsaElHZGhiR3h2ZDNNLC4x/ordeal-eroded.regular.png[/img] [i]Annona Colony[/i] [hr] Emilia was walking in step with the martian infantry as they prepared for the arrival of the Venue. It was taking every ounce of her willpower to stay in formation. There was so much noise and excitement happening in every direction, even before the Venue properly arrived. As for when the Venue arrived... For starters, she knew the Venue was a very grand ship, and she would love to have a look at that. Beyond that, she didn't care too much about the people on the Venue aside from the usual nobles, generals, military brats etcetera. People to be wary of for sure, but mostly unremarkable. With one single exception... Princess Asallia Zern. Idol, princess, advocate for peace, beautiful young woman and Emilia's first celebrity crush. She knew that the chances of doing anything other than seeing her from a distance was... astronomical. But just being able to see her in person was already an amazing opportunity for her. Which was another reason Emilia was trying extra hard not to stumble or trip.