[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img] [color=salmon]Word Count: 567 (+1 exp) [u]Level[/u]: 1 - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 4/10 [b]Location:[/b] Coral Highlands, Land of Adventure[/color][/center] As his sword found it's mark and the Cadet escaped the teeth of the Bird Wyvern, the Cadet hopped a few steps backward to recollect himself. He readjusted his grip on both his sword and shield, preparing to dive right back into the fray. He was eager to get back into the swing of battle and make up for his earlier distraction, having almost completely put the thought of the ominous stench out of his mind as he spotted his opening. He took his chance - and the bait - leaping to strike at the monster's head again when it struck out at him with it's long and powerful leg. The Cadet caught the monster's claws in the side, it's talons tearing through his leathers and reaching deep, scratching the bones of his ribs. He let out a gasp of pain as he was flung backwards, landing hard on his back. The wind was knocked from his lungs and he laid still for just a moment before he scrambled back up, not sparing a second look at the bleeding wound on his torso. Then, a dark blur whizzed by, lodging itself into the Highlands' signature spongy terrain. Now what the heck was [i]that[/i] thing? Another strange being that seemed to appear from no where. It was curled up like some giant gray Konchu. Cadet, for once, didn't stop to ponder more about it: whatever the Konchu did while he was laid out had done a number on the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku if it's pained squeals were any indication. It was down, flailing on the ground, meaning now was the best time to strike. He noticed that, somehow, the weird Konchu had freed itself and was on the attack again, but before the Cadet could join in the newbie hunter rushed over to him... and not only rushed over, but produced some kind of glowing heart-shaped object. [color=salmon]"What-"[/color] The Cadet started, beginning to back away slightly because this whole situation was getting [i]weird[/i] - even more weird than the last few weeks had been combined. While everything was slightly familiar yet new, it at least followed some rules. Random weirdos with appearing and disappearing weirdo-friends? Downright strange, considering everything. Cadet didn't get far before the man - The Courier - slapped him with the thing. It was warm and he felt it kind of spread throughout his body and brain, and even his spirit. The pain in his arm and side dissipated. What the hell? [color=salmon][i]"What?"[/i][/color] Cadet tried again as his vibrant colors returned to him, and his memories came rushing back all at once. The Legiana migration, the airship, the dream of bright light - only to awake here in this strange land instead of Astera, the bustling little frontier town he'd grown to love living in. The people he knew, all scattered away like he was. [i]Was I... brainwashed, or something?[/i] he thought. What the heck could do that? Was everyone he'd been talking to for the past few weeks brainwashed too? Was this guy - wait, no, this guy couldn't be because he'd just freed Cadet's noodle. The red head rubbed his head, watching the downed monster and the... smaller, friendlier monster closely but focusing on The Courier because [i]did he mention this was all very [b]weird[/b]?[/i] [color=salmon]"Courier, sure, sounds groovios. I'm called the Ace Cadet..."[/color] he paused. [color=salmon]"...did you say 'save the multiverse?'"[/color]