Dia watched the screen for a moment, [i]"They play this all the time."[/i] She stated with a disgruntled frown, [i]"A month in, Ray had the entire documentary memorized."[/i] She continued, [i]"It's not even that interesting. Most of the bits about talking are just about the fish populations and how they breathe and eat. Nothing new in the terms of learning."[/i] She looked to Benjamin as he mentioned about Solitaire, [i]"Oh? Solitaire sounds good."[/i] She nodded with a small smile, looking around. She could spot two of the other Nurses roaming around the room, A few of them she didn't recognized. [i]"maybe they're... New?"[/i] She asked out loud with a furrow of her brow. [hr] Ray continued walking along, freezing up as she noticed the new Male Nurse outside her room, he seemed to have paused and was reading some file papers. She slowed down her walking, Ari watching quietly as well; Josh looked up and straight at Ray. The two seemed to stay completely still for a moment, Josh's eyes seemed to be settled on Ari rather than Ray, and Ray's eyes were looking around the man himself. [b]"He knows' I'm here."[/b] "I know." Ray whispered back, flinching as Josh stepped forward. "Heading to your room already?" Josh asked coldly, "I feel like you're missing someone." He hesitated, "Where is the guy?" "We're not hanging out." Ray said sourly. [hr] Sara blinked, thinking about what Marc said. "D...Dinner would be nice!" She said with a bigger smile, "I... Don't get out much, as you already know, I don't know anywhere to eat..." She frowned at the idea of making Marc pay for it, "I'll make the money back for you though... I don't [i]really[/i] get paid but..."