[center] [i] Note: This roleplay will take place in the universe of Part 7 and 8, The Base World, so the world is based heavily on Stand inheritance and the Spin. [/i] [/center] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/jjba/images/f/f9/Jojo_no_kimyou_na_bouken_japanese_logo.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20161223022304[/img][img]https://www.planetrockdvd.com/images/Coldplay.png[/img][/center] [center][h1] [color=aquamarine] Welcome to the remote city of Florence, Italy. [/color] [/h1][/center] While the rest of the country becomes corrupt from gangs and the mafia officials, you stray from the crowd and try to live a life of luxury and dedication. There is a disturbance in the wind... Every moment you blink, everyone disappears you feel isolated, cold, in the literal void. After opening your eyes, you catch your breath, and begin to panic. No... it must have just been your imagination. It has been a long while since you have used your "power" that has been blessed on your person a while ago. A person who has a similar power approaches you, and discuss with them what you saw. He told you his name "Diavolo". He states that he has met with many others, similar to you. They too... have seen it. This was not normal, it was odd indeed, strange... bizarre if you must. As the world continued to revolve, people began to change... The happiest child would cry, the homeless man who could never find a job, disappeared... The news station would blare up: Breaking News - Missing Persons. Many names you recognize would shine. Where did these people go? Why would a child's parents leave them? It would all remain unclear, until the name Diavolo popped up. Why were people disappearing? Why? [img]https://farm2.static.flickr.com/1933/44400389735_2bd96dc9d9_b.jpg[/img] [hr] [center] Character sheet information [/center] [center][i]Put in OOC first, after accepted, put in CS list!![/i][/center] [hider=Info] [i]Some of these should be lengthy. I need good descriptions and depictions.[/i] Name:(Think of something clever!) Personality: Height and weight: Gender: Backstory: Appearance: (Either a picture or a spectacular description) [hr] Stand name: (Please use brackets ex. [Scatman]) Ability: (Should be longer.) Stand cry: (ORA ORA, DORA, MUDA, you get the point. Can be custom or unoriginal, as long as it makes sense.) Height: Obtained through: (Inherited, stand arrow, etc.) Appearance: (Same rules) [/hider] Please post "Interested" AND reasoning. Looking for 3-5 others before starting.