Everyone was listening, even Yorik and Aisha who stopped chatting. Cera looked thoughtful and nods. "I can see why that'll bother you. Honestly... I tried my hand at leadership too, and I couldn't handle it. I don't mind making a plan and making sure it works but the responsibility of being a team leader... I understand how you're feeling. It's a lot to burden." Aisha sits closer and also seems sympathetic. "Leadership is a matter of trusts. You have to trust your allies, and your allies have to trust your judgement. Worry about what goes wrong is natural, but all the more reason you need to evaluate your actions. Don't just go making decisions carelessly and hope for the best. That is poor leadership." Yorik huffed and seemed a bit annoyed. "Don't know wot yer worrin bout lassie, so far ain't nuthin gone wrong yet! Oh sure, things [i]can[/i] go wrong, but dat's nuthin crazy! No plan works out in action ya know. Da fact dat so far yer ain't screwed up shows yer doin a good job being a leader! If ya keep worrin bout wot can go wrong or wot might've happened, yer just settin yerself up fer a lotta disappointment!" "A leader listens." Surprising even the others, Kor spoke up too, though he didn't take his eyes off the blade he was sharpening. It seemed to have gained a few scratches from battle. "The worse type of leader is the one who thinks he knows everything. A good one learns everything he can and uses that to his advantage. After that you need to trust in those who you order around." Kor then looked at Sylvia. He seemed annoyed, more so than Yorik. "Did you really think we couldn't handle ourselves against the Blackclaw? If that's what you were worried about, than you should've acted on it. If you can't trust your allies, you shouldn't be leading them. Just as well of course, they also need to be able to trust you." Kor sheathed his blade and stood up, walking towards the armory tent. "And honestly I still don't know why you're here. This is a job for the city guard, not civilians or adventurers. If you're that worried about the danger, you should go somewhere safer. We know exactly what we're getting ourselves into and the risks involved. We're doing this because we want to and it's our jobs. If that bothers you, you should try and find somewhere else for these kobolds to live or something." This just got a collective sign from the others as Kor entered the tent. "Don't mind him. He's... Cynical, but he means well." Cera tries to say reassuringly. Aisha takes another swig from her flask. "Right or wrong, he certainly needs more tact. He was practically telling Sylvia to leave." Yorik shook his head as he rubbed his wounded knee. He also warmed his hands by the fire, so that the heat could sooth his aches. "I think wot he's tryin ta say is dat ye can always turn back. Wot was dat sayin of yers, wif great power comes responsibility? Naturally, ye could always give dat powa ta someone else. Shor seems like da type of fella who could use ever bit he's got. Dunno bout yer crew, but dat fiery lass, da one who almost picked a fight wif Kor yesterday, she seems ta got gumption too. O'course, da fact dat seems like yer da leader of yer crew tells me dat dey trust ye, more den dey even trust demselves." Yorik took the flask from Aisha, took a large swig before handing it to you. There was still quite a bit left. "Ya got doubts kid. Spill it. Wot's eatin at ya dat makes ye feel like dere's sumthin wrong?"