[@XoXKieroBombXoX] Gonna repost this here, though from what I got out of the interest check I'm accepted, yeah? Just wanna double-check the all clear before I put it in the character tab. [Center][Hider=Anette Turunen][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy4ueq0opIw[/youtube] [sub][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/b36828cd-75e3-4b02-b0e1-0537eba41e00/da3ud8b-ec8219e6-1c14-4579-bed4-9d79b3b09daa.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1448,strp/anime_original_anime_art_anime_anime_girl_2077769_by_starsocean_da3ud8b-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQ0OCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2IzNjgyOGNkLTc1ZTMtNGIwMi1iMGUxLTA1MzdlYmE0MWUwMFwvZGEzdWQ4Yi1lYzgyMTllNi0xYzE0LTQ1NzktYmVkNC05ZDc5YjNiMDlkYWEucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.RfK9yH_f59V0IuNEryOC8mSSo6krKMd7suFD6irz-Ec[/img][/sub] [h3][color=black]"I'm worth more than just my voice; Don't downplay me, bastard!"[/color][/h3] [hr] [b]-NAME-[/b] [color=black]"Anette Turunen; Local pub singer, and person-breaker, if you're a pain in the ass!"[/color] [b]-PERSONALITY-[/b] [color=black]"Which part of me do you want to hear about? The reserved singing girl, or the one that beats your ass after you try to grab mine? i tend to keep to myself during work; Seems to give the guys an impression that I'm shy, or gentle. It's absolute bullshit, but if I get my cash, I don't really care. If they touch me though, I won't hesitate to beat them within an inch of their life! I can't stand perverted bastards, you know? I don't ask for much, but respect is just a normal thing to want: It shouldn't be this hard. Now I'm not just some punk; Well, to some people I might be, but I know me better than anyone else: I can be kind! I like teasing my friends, sure, but I'd never let them down! I try my best to be reliable, but admittedly sometimes I fuck up and do something stupid; Human nature, right? Everyone does something stupid every once in awhile, right? While I don't hesitate to beat the hell out of scumbags, that doesn't mean I just give a beat down to anybody who passes me by: I'd much rather protect an innocent person than hurt one: Especially women and children, as I figure most men can take care of themselves. Though if they proved to need it, I'd help them too. Just give them a hard time about it afterwards, heheh. I also [b][i]love[/i][/b] cute shit. Stuffed animals, actual animals, baby animals... Maybe I just like animals? Cute animals, though. While I have a generally tough exterior I still have some gentleness underneath: I tend to push it off in my own harassing way, but I can be caring and considerate with someone I like. 'Love' isn't really a thing I put into my head, unless my dad counts: But maybe I'll feel that towards someone else one day. This is getting drawn out, I'm gonna wrap it up, 'kay? I'm a bit of a jerkass, but I've got a heart of gold-- Wait, wait. Maybe not gold. More like silver? Yeah. Silver heart of gold-- I mean, god[b]damn[/b] it! A heart of silver! Yeah. Are you laughing at me?![/color] [color=purple][h2]ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ[/h2][/color] [color=black]You [i]bastard, I'll kick your [b]ass![/b][/i]"[/color] [b]-HEIGHT AND WEIGHT-[/b] [color=black]"This is an easy way to get me to beat the hell outta you; You don't ask a girl these questions! ... I stand at five feet, six inches: And I weigh somewhere around one-hundred & forty pounds? Good enough?"[/color] [b]-AGE-[/b] [color=black]"I'm twenty-three and insecure: Asking my age does [i]not help.[/i]"[/color] [b]-GENDER-[/b] [color=black]"Are you serious? I'm a girl."[/color] [b]-BACKSTORY-[/b] [color=black]"Florence has been my home for as long as I can remember: My father brought me here from somewhere, and I lived out my childhood here up until my current adulthood. Dad's a troublesome bastard; A bit of a gambler, gets himself in situations he shouldn't. I used to sing on street corners just trying to make a buck to eat on; But in retrospect, it wasn't that bad. I learned to take care of myself early on, and I never had to rely on anyone else growing up. I got scrappy when I had to, and I always did love singing: Maybe it was actually a pretty good early life. I've managed to get a bit older, and job opportunities have struck: I make my money by taking performances in pubs, singing for patrons and getting harassed by them for it. There was one bad case in particular where a man followed me out after my late leave; Bastard tried to grab me up in the alleyway. That's when I truly learned of my power; A presence I could always feel, but only just now lashed out to save me from a harasser; Broke his leg, though he was deserving of it so I didn't much care. After that I had control; But never really used the powers. I was a singer, I didn't exactly punch people on a constant basis: But it always did sort of concern me that I had such a thing... I couldn't bring myself to ask my father about it, but I had a feeling such a thing wasn't normal: He probably couldn't tell me jack shit if I tried, so I just rolled with it. So, my life wasn't really bizarre until the spirit-thing. Psyche; It got weirder than that! Much weirder. I've felt strange lately. I had this horrid moment where I blinked and I swore the whole world around me fell apart; Usually I didn't care about being a general loner, but this feeling... It was so cold, and empty. Like I was stuck in nothingness, unable to even breathe. When I opened my eyes I snapped out of it, but had to gasp for breath. I've been scared of trying to sleep since it happened; It's left me concerned, and sleep deprived. That I could live with; But what I couldn't live with was my dad disappearing. His dumbass just wasn't home one day; And I had no idea where he went. I checked out all his usual spots, but he was just... Gone. Sure he was a deadbeat for the most part, but damn it, he was my dad! The police didn't know anything: Nobody had any answers! I ended up living alone, angry saddened and confused at what the hell had happened. Thoughts of that cold, empty void came back to me; Scaring me, honestly. Was that going to be my life eventually? Empty, and nothing? I still had to work. It's all I could do; Keep myself going. And if that all wasn't bizarre enough, this man showed up at the pub one day: Diavolo. He wasn't grabbing at me or throwing me money, rather he was there to just... Speak with me directly. I had almost forgotten about my power, in a sense; But he seemed to know what happened to me, and what I could do. Now, I wasn't one to entirely trust strangers. But this guy seemed to know something: And if anything he knew could help me get my dad back? I was definitely open to listen. [/color] [hr] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/628604259478536196/634770209328070658/Stats.png[/img] [b]-STAND NAME-[/b] [color=black]「 NIGHTWISH 」[/color] [b][i][sub]ENGRISH VER.[/sub][/i][/b] [color=black]「 NIGHT'O'VISH 」[/color] [b][i][sub]ENG. DUB NAME[/sub][/i][/b] [color=black]「 NIGHTLY DREAMER 」[/color] [b]-STAND ABILITIES-[/b] [color=black]「 NIGHTWISH 」has the main ability to interact with the shadows of objects and other people: Even if I can't reach a person normally, I can damage them by having my Stand attack their shadow instead; Causing damage to the individual in the area their shadow is struck. While this obviously allows me to take cheap shots at people depending on the extension of their shadow, it also allows me to interact and reach a lot of objects way easier; Aiding in the poor range of my Stand. An obvious issue is when I move an object, the shadow moves too: Sometimes out of my range. Because of this, I tend to use my Stand's strength to throw objects with force so that I don't need to keep a grip on the shadow. Also, shadows are generalized: It can be shadows caused by the sun, to the light from a simple bonfire, to heavy-duty flashlights or lamps. Anything works, as long as there's a shadow. If it's dark, then 「 NIGHTWISH 」is stuck to being a regular fast and powerful puncher; Considering the light thing I just mentioned, I bet I could totally take advantage and use that to still use my Stand's abilities though! If I can set it up right."[/color] [b]-STAND CRY-[/b] [color=black][b]BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE--!![/b][/color] [color=black][b]BEAUTIFUL![/b][/color] [b]-HEIGHT-[/b] [color=black]Five Feet, Nine Inches[/color] [b]-OBTAINED-[/b] [color=black][sub][i]INHERITED?[/i][/sub] "I've felt it's presence since I was young; It's been with me all my life. My deadbeat dad... Did he know about this even if I didn't tell him? Maybe I should've confronted him before he disappeared..."[/color] [b]-APPEARANCE-[/b] [color=black]( Minus The Red Energy Shit! And No Halo-Thing. )[/color] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/d8/16/0bd816a4fb92fca43ad8388a7a0d7068.jpg]「 NIGHTWISH 」[/url] [/Hider][/Center]