Again, he received no answer. He could only watch as Faolan began to remove his clothing, much to the Frenchman's confusion, but he couldn't really do anything about it. He had followed him, picking up the clothes he was dropping, but the sounds of pain Faolan was making was a lot more concerning to him, especially when he began to see the changes that were happening to his body. He dropped the clothes, his entire instinct was telling him to do something, [i]anything[/i] to help him, but what could he do? Faolan was seemingly aware of what this was, and he was desperate to have him leave. Considering the Irishman was aware of his healing abilities, if they could help him.. he felt like he would have told him so. The desperation in Faolan's voice caused his wings to twitch, wanting to listen to his words, but his body wouldn't move. He watched in horror as Faolan's body began to reform. He had never seen anything like this before, and by now he could tell that Faolan was changing into.. something else. [i]What[/i] that was, he wasn't sure, but all he could tell was that it was incredibly painful for him, and it hurt him to have to hear his screams and see his expression of agony. As this.. change, had seemingly finished, he was met with a different sort of creature, seemingly wolf-like in nature. [color=burlywood]"F-Faolan..?"[/color] Lucien's voice was almost a whisper as he spoke, but as he did so, he flapped his wings almost instinctively, wanting to take to the air as Faolan had asked of him earlier. Whatever this was, it was probably best he kept his distance.