He looked at her and said, “I noticed the wing when I picked you up.” He paused to let her understand. “Many of my neighbors would have done you in or have done worse than that to you. I am not my neighbors and I mean you and yours no harm,” he said calmly. “I am,” he thought for a moment,” a scholar. I’ve learned a little medicine, a little engineering, a little about languages and lore, and a bit tinker. From my grandmother, I’ve learned a little healing magic that her grandparents learned in the Forbidden Kingdom and passed on.” He down played how much he actually knew about medicine and engineering. “I used a bit of the magic on you to help your bite wound and then bandaged you,” he said proudly. “You are an enigma. Someone who holds a key to other knowledge,” he said like this was the answer to everything. [@AmberTheAlbedo]