[hr][hr] [center][h1]Aboard The Va[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [b]Location: Blathriin-Va - Engineering Deck.[/b] [center][b]Star Date: Unknown.[/b][/center] [right][b]Communications: Strevrols & The Aegis - [@EliteCommander].[/b][/right] Yiithren had returned to his ship, notified Kurqruik of the situation and explained the appearance of the strange ship outside, and headed straight towards the Va's engineering deck where Strevrols was busy looking over some readouts floating in the air nearby. Upon arriving he told him how the meeting had gone, making sure to mention his offer to provide some of their tech to the other ships in their fleet in a way that didn't immediately draw more of his chief engineers ire. Thus he found himself waiting, rather tensely, for Strevrols response. Surprisingly, however, he didn't fly into a rage at the suggestion. In fact he seemed oddly supportive of it. "Well we're stuck here right? And the only way to get back is to get rid of this Anubis fellow?" He asked, dismissing another report. Yiithren nodded. "Then I see no problem with giving the others some of our tech to use. Besides, I'll have to inspect their ships personally to see where I can make modifications as it is, so I could gather some valuable intel on them and whatever technologies they use in the process." Strevrols, noticing the icy glare his captain was giving him, quickly reassured him. "Simply for securities sake. Never know what those primitives might be plotting behind our backs. Besides, I suspect the Council will question us about our abrupt disappearance from the Swawomia system, so it would be prudent for us to learn as much as we possibly can while we're here. Accuracy is a cornerstone of our society after all." Yiithren let out a short burble. Strevrols was right, to an extent anyway, yet he still couldn't be entirely certain that his chief engineer had fully given up on trying to spearhead an invasion into this universe. He couldn't just lock him up in a sleep pod however, there was protocol to follow. Until he actually went and did something, he was innocent. Nodding to himself, Yiithren left Strevrols to his work and went back up to the bridge where he sent a message back to Faluls ship. [b]"If you need engineers, my chief engineer Strevrols is willing. He will need transport however, as we have no shuttle craft of our own."[/b]