The sight of the big, mscular Lizard stripping down to his pants and [i]shoe[/i] was a bit surreal, both for the druid and the guard. The former looked rather confused and surprised, whereas the latter looked uncomfortable and distressed - perhaps intimidated by the lizards' abundant muscular mandom when compared to his own, rather lacking, physique. Still, the guard was able to reply to the giant reptilian's question. "There's four pyres in total, one in each cardinal direction. Was suppose to be that way in case we got a large enough group of folks to divvy them up. But you folks were the only ones who showed." He stated, still looking away from the lizard and towards the drawbridge and gatehuse to the slight south. The druid was bust picking up a half-eaten squirrel from inbetween the ditch and a lower spike, when she noticed something. There was a metal grate sitting under the spikey outer wall, and beyond it was a long tunnel that extended into darkness. As she brought the tiny rodent back to the pyre and gently tossed it into the flames, she looked to the guard. "That grate just above the ditch, where does it lead?" She asked, curious. "Huh? Oh, that's just a vent for the sewers. Also serves as a means to keep the place from flooding, by letting the nasty stuff pour out into the ditch here instead." The guard replied. The thought of thousands of peoples' nasty exrrement being flushed out into the very place she was working was somewhat disheartening to the girl. She grimaced at the though. Luckily though, the narrow tunnel had looked dry, so at least nothing vile had been flushed out of there recently. She returned to the makeshift moat and looked around, noticing the big red one tearing off large beasts, getting covered in gunk, and lugging the bits back to the pyre as if it was nothing... Though he did look rather gruesome, covered in bits and blood. As she returned to walking along the ditch, she soon heard a noise. A very familiar one. It was the sound of a young beast's cry. Something was alive! With hurried steps she advanced, using her ears as much as possible to listen. Eventually, she came upon a spot where some of the spikes had seemingly been broken off, and there she found it - a baby boar, caught in the broken poles, with small cuts and scrapes all over it. The little one was in a panic, and the girl's approach had done little to calm it down. It squealed and struggled something fierce, trying to escape the sitation with every ounce of its limited strength. The druid knelt down next to the little critter. "Hey now, it's okay. Nobody's going to harm you." She said calmly, laying her wooden staff down on the ground next to her. The piglet still squealed frantically. The girl closed her eyes and slowly reached out her hands, and as she did so, the beast stopped squirming and crying and instead proceeded to merely look at her, calm and quiet. It was as if her mere presence now was soothing and pleasant for the tiny beast, and did not even make a noise when her hands finally landed on and touched it. As she opened her eyes again, the baby boar stood still and quiet, like an obediant dog, just looking at her. She smiled, and began to slowly and carefully push some of the restraining wood out of the way. That is, until another noise was heard - from behind her. A series of loud grunts was heard, followed by the thudding of feet. Soon, through a nearby collection of bushes, a pair of very large, very black and very angry full-grown boars appeared. Unlike the baby that was calm, these two looked rather agitated and were apparently none-too-fond of a human handling what was likely their child. The druid's head snapped back around to look at the new arrivals and she quickly grasped her staff, rising from her kneeeling position. The two adult swine were circling, advancing towards her. This.... Could be bad... "[b]Uhm...! A little help here, please?[/b]" She called, her voice tense, but not distressed or panicked. The baby boar merely stood where it was, behid th druid, looking on in slight confusion.