Sarah wondered how it would be, parting with pokemon that you shared so much with as £regan was describing her old team. She could hear the fondness in the ranger her voice. Gira would always stay with her that was for sure, she had her since she was in her egg. Saur seemed to like hanging around too. She stopped her thoughts, it was not needed to think about it now. She would deal with in the future when it was needed to be dealt with. Sarah contemplated about the vehicle. Regan was right about the rest. "Well, a vehicle wouldn't be able to get everywhere. some paths are narrow or so rugged it is hard to drive. And the sound might scare away the Onix." she finally said. It would be more convenient and faster but perhaps not the best way to get around here. Best bet would be a bicycle or motorcycle but Sarah had neither and couldn't drive anyway. "But I am glad Rapier found a clue already, saves a whole lot of time wandering around. And narrow the area of search down a lot. Sarah sure had felt that way with Gira; a bond where she could understand as good as if they spoke, but since Gira was half psychic she always thought it might be because of that. She hadn't considered it might be the bond instead, especially since her Girafarig didn't have very strong psychic abilities as her Abra had. The offer to help with her research sure was welcome. "I might take you on that offer. practice makes perfect, right?" Sarah said with a small smile. Besides her newest addition to the team needed experience. "And seeing you use Rapier in battle after I witnessed how you two are outside of battle might be valuable information." Gira smiled friendly. [i]"I had quite a journey too, but nothing too adventurous."[/i] Gira glanced behind her at Sarah and Regan briefly. [i]"It's great you found a clue already, I think it would have taken us a whole lot longer without your wings and eyes."[/i] Gira turned her gaze to the landscape, looking if she could spot a pokemon her trainer had expressed that would be good for her team for her research. [@CitrusArms]