[Center][Hider=Music, If You So Desire][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da9S9yjZZP4[/youtube][/Hider] [h2][i]Blöthmerche Assiösales[/i] [i][sub]Dörfen Warriör of Pathfünder[/sub][/i] Within The Spillway, Sailing[/h2] [Hider=CURRENT CONDITION][i]"I am uninjured. The journey is just beginning, however..."[/i] [b]-HEAD-[/b] [color=39b54a]/////[/color] [b]-TORSO-[/b] [color=39b54a]/////[/color] [b]-LEFT ARM-[/b] [color=39b54a]/////[/color] [b]-RIGHT ARM-[/b] [color=39b54a]/////[/color] [b]-LEFT LEG-[/b] [color=39b54a]/////[/color] [b]-RIGHT LEG-[/b] [color=39b54a]/////[/color][/Hider][/Center] [hr] This place reminded him of home. Traversing the waters; It was something Blöthmerche was actually familiar with. It was a necessity to sail in order to gather supplies or commit to raids, and in his time as a warrior he had taken many journeys into the Toy Department for loot. The boats back home were much simpler, however: They would row those boats with oars, but this boat was different: It hummed, and pressed forward on it's own. He had a faint idea of engines, but no real idea on how they worked. It made the journey much simpler for this large ship, though. Back home it'd take a lot more effort to transport this many people. His time outside his Department had been... Revealing, in a few ways. He had been tested just to get to this point, and there were many things in the Wal that he came to realize might be higher on the food chain. For the moment, at least: A real hunter did not submit to predators, only adapted. And that's exactly what Blöth would do: Survive, adapt, overcome. While there was no glory in cowardice, tactical retreat was occasionally a necessity: He wasn't stupid enough to think otherwise. The cultures beyond his Department; The people here, just as an example: They were very foreign to him, and showed just how far the Wal went. All of these people, different walks of life, now aboard this same vessel and looking to complete their own goals. He wondered if any of them had a goal like his own? To find glory, and return to his people to be praised. Or if it was something lesser, or perhaps even more? Of course, there was one very simple thing that pulled everyone together: Payment. Even the Dorf knew that, he'd taken part in his share of trade deals back home. He wasn't very good at bargaining, but hey, he got what he wanted, right? Some of the crap those traders wanted, he couldn't use anyways: Someone here could probably tell he had been scammed, but as far as the young man knew? He'd gotten a good deal. Sitting down, Blöthmerche pulled a book from his bearge: A somewhat older copy of his religious texts. It was a bit faded here and there, but the Dorf knew the words by heart; He didn't need every single letter clear as day for him. He flipped through the pages, arriving at a section of the book dedicated to Deities: The gods that even those in the texts worshiped. Most Dorfen folk picked a deity to follow and pray to often; And his just so happened to be Cayden Cailean. Cayden Cailean; A man of freedom and adventure. Maybe he drank too much at some point, but Blöth wasn't one to judge a man on his drinking if it lead him to taking a quest to become a Deity: The Test of The Starstone... The young Dorf wondered if such a test was something he'd be able to take one day? His Ancients had always told him that it wasn't possible for a Dorf to become a Deity, but if Cayden could do it, why not him? He was skilled; A man of combat! Surely if anyone was deserving of such a thing, it'd be a worthy warrior like himself? The Dorf was merely kidding himself. He was happy as an adventurer; Such a position was no place for him. One day he'd be an Ancient himself, and guide his Fort along. Becoming a Deity would disgrace his own god, and the others worshiped by his people. He would not disrespect them in such a manner, he'd rather be a servant of the gods than one to rule over his fellow man on the ground. The thought was nice, though. The young man laughed to himself; His voice was a bit high for his age, and his height was a bit low. He'd seen the looks he got from the others aboard the vessel; They thought him a child. He might be young, but he wasn't [i][b]that[/b][/i] young; And he was experienced, too. Surely him being hired was proof of this? Though, judging by the stares, he assumed not. While he was willing to beat someone to death for insulting him, he had a decent tolerance before getting to that point: The Ancients had made it clear he wouldn't be seen the same out here, and it was showing. Maybe he could prove himself among his new peers; A vicious battle was what they needed. One where he could spill the blood of enemies before the eyes of the Lifters working beside him. For the moment, things were quiet. So he'd have to wait to prove such a thing. Blöthmerche took the time to pray; Book in his lap, his hands on the open pages. The short, colorful individual was silent as he silently prayed once again for safe journey; Just like he had before leaving his Fort in the first place. Though he intended to be silent, a few words did slip away as he went on... [i][sub]"All-Father, gift me safe passage and freedom to chose..."[/sub][/i]