[b][right]DAEDALUS // THE FLEET[/right][/b] Rodney McKay was pouring through data from the shipyard. They had managed to activate a number of 'resource collectors' that seemed to fly around gathering resources which then were converted into some form of energy to later be used in great big forges. There were a couple of blueprints in the ship's databanks however they had decided to wait until they knew more about the specifications before building anything. Afterall there was no point building anything until they knew if it needed to be upgraded, which from their initial reports seemed to be the case. After all the designs had no shielding, except for something called a 'defence field frigate' but from what he and Hermiod had surmised so far was that the field only protected against energy bolts by way of creating some form of interference. A valuable technology however it wasn't much in comparison to Asgard shields. Hermiod was currently on the bridge of the Shipyard with a team of marines helping to co-ordinate their efforts. He had seemed insistent on going there so that he didn't need to interact with the crew of the Va. For some unknown reason, Hermiod after reading their file seemed unwillingy to have anything to do with them. Rodney climbed into the Jumper full of their team as well as a contingent of marines. Nodding at Sheppard, who had a surprisingly smug look on his face. "What?" "Oh, nothing." Rodney turned to Ronon with a raised eyebrow. "Turns out in the Glasgows universe they have a John Sheppard that looks just like him. He's some kind of hero of humanity." Rodney rolled his eyes. "You realise that wasn't you right?" "Yes. I know Rodney. I just find it interesting that I exist in another universe, and still somehow manage to be an intergalactic space hero." "Yes, I'm sure their Sheppard has a tiny ego too." The Jumper raised from the deck and manoeuvred out of the hangar towards the Aegis. The console trilled as they received docking instructions, the jumper moving carefully into the massive bay before eventually setting down. As the door opened Rodney, Ronon and a couple of marines all stood up and walked out. Rodney turned back to the ship as it took off, tapping his radio. "Try not to have too much fun on your adventures Sheppard." "Oh. I will." Rodney just smiled as the Jumper departed for the Glasgow, part of their contingent aboard on the scouting mission it was performing to Coruscant. The supposed heart of the Empire. He had been sceptical of the plan to go to the capital, but apparently it was some form of megacity world where thousands of ships and billions of beings came and went every day. So he liked their chances.