Arla’s eyes narrowed in consideration at the ringmistress’ reassurance that Rayth had hurt no one. Which, she supposed, made sense; if he had, she doubted she’d be having this conversation with Frieda. But, then, wasn’t there a mind control thing lore said vampires could do? She inhaled at Frieda's suggestion. Her hand twitched, as if ready to fall back to her hunting knife at the mere thought. But, Arla had to admit, the woman had a point. All the words in the world couldn’t stand up to experiencing something for yourself. She took a deep breath, Frieda’s final offer making her proud side bristle. As kind as the offer was, she realized that, right now, she had to look like an untrusting, cowardly child. She had to trust the ringmistress wouldn’t put her in harms way. Or at least give the impression she did. Besides, Frieda had done nothing so far to give her reason to do otherwise. A part of her [i]wanted[/i] to trust her wholeheartedly. It nagged at her for doubting the woman in the first place. But experience still kept her on edge. And, more pressing, Arla would [i]not[/i] have the ringmistress—her boss now, for all intents and purposes—thinking she couldn’t handle problems on her own. That she needed someone to hold her hand while she faced her fears. “No,” she answered firmly. “To the second bit, not to speaking with him,” she elaborated with a slight sideways nod. “You don’t need to stay. I can handle it. Besides, I’m sure you have more important things to do than babysit,” she offered a smile she hoped was more reassuring than it felt. [i]But if he eats me or something, I’ll haunt you for the rest of eternity,[/i] she added silently. Despite the joke, she shuddered inwardly at the prospect. She hated the idea of willingly presenting herself before a monster who could kill her before she could blink. If legend had gotten their enhanced speed right, anyway. But it was that and find the truth for herself, or figure out a Plan B. “I’ll come with you so you don’t have to waste more time on the return trip.” She grabbed her backpack and shouldered it, hoping to demonstrate her willingness to overcome her own troubles.