This was a delicate subject and they needed to approach it carefully or else they'd end up with a bigger problem on their hands. They'd probably try to identify the man later and give him a proper burial. Charlie followed them into her office, ducking his head in order to get through the door frame without injury. Once they were settled in, with Wesley sitting on his mother's lap instead of her hip, both looked at Kathryn. "So how long have you been a wolf?" Now that they were in the small room with her, the smell of wolf became stronger. It had to have been her. Charlie leaned against the far wall, arms crossed over his chest. "I don't think you've been one all that long. Lone wolves tend to go crazy after their isolation. Can't figure pack from prey and attack everything." It was something that Sadie had told him. She'd dealt with lone wolves in the past, something that he hadn't done. "Be gentle, Charlie. She is a lone wolf, judging by her scent being the only one here." Sadie scolded, her arms tightening slightly around the boy in her lap. "But do not worry, we are werewolves too." "I'm not." Wesley pouted. "In time my boy, in time." Charlie smiled at his son. Werewolves weren't born, they were made. Wesley was human. Sadie had been human, and Charlie had been human. "But back to the matter at hand. We seen the kill and we'll help you." "Yes. If word gets out then we'll have hunters to deal with. A...persistent bunch bent on wiping werewolves out. They won't stop at just you." Sadie said, gesturing down to her son. He was in as much danger as anyone, despite not being a werewolf himself. For female werewolves, carrying a child was hard. They didn't change with their mother's moons. They stayed human. To compensate for this, any pregnant werewolf was locked away to protect the baby growing within her. "The man wasn't from town. We don't recognize his scent." Sadie passed her son to Charlie, who took the boy outside. He was the alpha but right now what the woman needed was someone with the experience of both worlds. "That either means he's a stranger or he could even be a hunter. We all have markings." She said, bearing her wrist to the woman where her family's symbol had been branded into the tender flesh their. "I'm not with them anymore, in case you were wondering. But I know how they operate. We'll scan the forest and see if perhaps he'd been traveling along the road when he was pulled into the woods. If no sign is found then we'll assume he's a hunter." She sighed, rubbing her temples. "And please, if you have loved ones we need to know. The pack can and will help protect them. If he was indeed a hunter they will most likely be targets." Taking out a werewolf's support meant they didn't have people to hide behind and could be dealt with easier.