[img]https://i.imgur.com/oTcp24q.png[/img] [b]Location - Alabasta - Docks/Golden Lion MKII[/b] [@King Cosmos]-[@KillBox] It was not long before all of the Red Lion Pirates had assembled on the deck of the Golden Lion MKII. The ship truly was as magnificent as its name implied. The various pipes that snaked along the underside and overside of the deck created an almost... Corrupt look. As if Technology had grown tentacles and taken over a ship, and it all collected towards a singular spot, the Captain's chamber. That chamber right now, was open. Acting as a makeshift thrown for Nikko to sit upon as he addressed his crew, and their new hire. By his side stood Shigeuchi, and by Shigeuchi stood a small TVset, and by that a wooden doll in the shape of a human being. Carved delicately to be nearly identical in size and shape to a certain somebody on the TVset. [color=f7976a]"Some of you have expressed curiosity in why you are all here, and why we stopped in Alabasta. It's simple. We have all gathered to kidnap the young prince of Alabasta. Vivian."[/color] Vivian was a particularly girly sounding name, but apparently it was the height of masculinity in Alabasta. Personal taste and all that. [color=f7976a]"Simply put, as soon as the prince is in our custody, we leave for Water Seven. It will take roughly two days to get their by air. Once there, we stay for five days. Within this seven day period, Alabasta will give into our demands to return the prince. We shall walk away from this, with higher bounties, greater wealth than you or I have seen in our personal coffers."[/color] It was easy enough to see the appeal in why people followed him. He could make things sound so simple. Perhaps he was just that great a Captain. An ill-fit for Luffy. He was far too naturally cunning. [color=f7976a]"Now, I want you all to get started on prepping the ship for launch. Our guest will be here... In... 3... 2... 1..."[/color] Shigeuchi's cue was given. In a moment, the crown prince Vivian would vanish from the tvset, replacing the wooden dummy in a sudden flash. The dummy appearing on the TVscreen, and a note written for the various royals to toil over. [color=c4df9b]"W-What's happening!?"[/color] The prince shouted, eyes wide. His spectacles being re-adjusted as he adjust to the sudden shock of being swapped with another object. [color=c4df9b]"Who are you people? Where's my royal guard? And..."[/color] The prince seemed so distraught, and then he caught the sight of the pirate flag sailing in the wind above him. [color=c4df9b]"ARE YOU PIRATES!? THAT'S AMAZING!"[/color] Apparently the prince had heard some stories from his mother about how cool pirates could be.