"Very well. We all have our own ways of handling things." Sadie said as she stood to her full height. She brushed her skirts free of wrinkles. "However, if you find yourself to be wrong, just stop by the bakery. We welcome anyone with open arms. Good luck out there." Sadie said before she left the office. It wasn't wise to try and make someone believe that they needed some form of help. The hunters would come if he was certainly their own and she knew if that happened then it wouldn't be just the hunters after Kathryn. She met back with Charlie, who was frowning. Sadie simply shrugged at him. "It happens. Don't let it get to you." She oat his arm as she walked by to collect their son. Together the trio returned to the bakery. Wesley was allowed to play with the other children just out front. There were three other kids, with Wes being the youngest. Inside they could hear Arthur barking orders on how to properly bake a loaf of bread. He was always a little animated, often times coming across as obnoxious. He was a good man though. He paused when he caught Sadie and Charlie giggling at him. "What?" He asked, brows furrowing. "Calm down, it's just bread." "It's our livelihood!" Charlie sighed. Arthur did have a point. "Fine. Just don't tell at everyone. We don't have nearly enough people if you make everyone quit to work the fields instead." They shooed everyone out of the room, letting them get in an early break. "She's a lone wolf, seems to think that she's fine." "She says that until she kills someone else. Ow! That's it, I've got a damaged brain!" Arthur rubbed the back of his head where Sadie had smacked him. Again. "But it's true. Even if she isn't so far gone at the moment she sounds unstable." Arthur had a valid point. They'd not really considered the idea of her being unstable in addition to being a lone wolf. "So you're suggesting that we wait another month in order to see if she kills someone again?" Charlie didn't like that idea. It was dangerous and he didn't want anyone to get hurt. "Yes. Will you please stop hitting me?!" "Stop being an idiot then. The more people that are in danger the more we have to worry about the hunters. They will track any lead, no matter how faint. One disappearance is enough to get them intereste, two leads to an investigation." Sadie growled. "But there haven't been murders before...at least ones not caused by our pack." Charlie pointed out. "Something changed for her. We need to figure out what it was and quickly. After work you and Sadie will head out to investigate. I will take the kids to pick up some supplies and we'll ready the pack just in case something else happens." His word was law. Arthur didn't want to go with Sadie (partially because it didn't matter what form she took, she'd still lash out at him when he was being dumb.)