[hider=Father Vladivosi] Name: Father Boris Vladivosi Age: 19 Height/Weight: 5'8 240ish lbs Race: Varyan Appearance: [hider=Face Claim] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/29/11/9a/29119abdb1db83f9b2a81590fd779121.jpg[/img] [/hider] A younger appearance of the face claim, with smoother skin. He has extremely grey eyes, only a touch of the natural Varyan blue in there. Darker blonde hair (now a brown shade), which is curly when it is at a medium and longer length, but it is normally cut shorter. He cuts his facial hair regularly, and normally will carry a kit to keep himself groomed well. There are not many markings on his face or skin, if bathing becomes hard to do, the skin around his hair line will break out horribly with blemishes, as well as under his chin going down to the left side of his neck. Besides that, he is an average looking fellow. The only part of him that could be seen as usually marked would be his hands, which seem aged compared to the rest of his body due to constant use, and can sometimes even smell of burnt flesh. Personality: Stout, and hearty, Boris is a strong willed man whom is a fighter and survivalists. He fights to the bloody end, and will make sure those behind him have a chance to survive. But he is a guardian of sorts, when he was younger he might have just been a healer, but due to circumstances, he has become a good leader, and strong warrior like those around him. He is straightforward, and prefers weapons such as a rifle with bayonet, or a good sword and side firearm such as a revolver or pistol. He is more likely to bulk up with extra clothing, and use anything around him to survive. He follows the path given to him, and is as devout as possible, but life as an entirety is worth saving. His personal interests are more or less to bring the intellectual gifts from the all-mighty, such as guns and technology into the church. He is honestly more suited for clergy or craftsman kind of work, but he is a strong and brave soul. He cooks, cleans, does menial tasks, he's pretty much a personal and mobile butler. If not tending to someone, or trying to keep someone sane, he can be found doing any of these tasks with great importance, making sure everything is in check and will stress until it is. He is also quick to adapt, he is not the brightest, but innocence may be the saving grace to those around him. But, he does not like to kill any being in a melee, but will if it is life and death. Background: Born to a family whom had already had enough children, he was somewhat neglected as he wasn't let out of the house much. His family how ever was somewhat successful, good trades and craft men. The young Boris, would be saved from infanticide by morality, but would be kept in the dark. Left as something like Genie, he was not taught much in the way of culture, mainly by one of his younger sisters, the one who would feed him. While in his captivity, he would mainly be used as manual labor behind the scenes of his parents shop, his mother teaching him to cook, and do menial tasks such as cutting open and harvest animals. When not doing this, he was being forced to lift the heaviest items while his father or one of his brothers fixed it to where it needed to be in their arts. He was fed extremely well as grew quickly because of that, only really being kept in check by being fed and not having much knowledge about the world outside of his home. At the age of ten he was able to see the bright sky for one of the first times, it was in a fenced in and he was mainly moving completed furniture and machinery. During this moment, he was approached by a frequent customer someone who was apart of the Divine Order and someone who would later take pity on him. Several days later, he decided to run away to become a priest. When arriving at the doorsteps, he was tested and judged to see if he was even applicable to be of any service, but since he was able to heal and was somewhat receptive to learning. He was taken under for at least a basic education, excelling at mathematical skills over any cultural aspect and making sure he was devout at least. He was then given as a mentee to Father Lenistan in the divine order, someone he had met before whom purchased things from his family's shop before. His mentor would train him further in mathematics and sciences, as well as his abilities . Learning potential was present, which is why his training was progressed further. Maybe if he was more accustomed to social life in the past, he could be something great. With his mentor, he thrived very well compared to his previous life, he was able to learn and grow in his abilities and classes. His mentor helped him hone his healing and allowed him to learn some magic beside his ability to heal. But priorities would go to his academics. Talents/Ethereal Abilities: Non-Magical : Naturally hearty - an abomination of his family he is a bulky man with many physical abilities of his own. His strength is immense, and he heals quickly if injured physically, and can stand illness better then most. But he requires a lot of food compared to most men, but he has the strength and agility to haul enough for him for a month with a good sled or cart. If he becomes ill, it could be a death sentence for him as well. Survivalist - he adapts quickly to the environment around him, as well as skills he learned as a child such as cooking, helping his mother shop in market places, and watching his family create and build around him. He knows how to make shelter, find good things to eat, and how to hunt. He is a good person to have if lost, or stranded. Magical : Ether hearth - A touch healing, it can heal most physical wounds, and some aliments. It even warms the body some and can be a pain relief if the individual dying due to a stronger aliment or plague. It doesn't hurt being touched by him and can even feel soothing at times, specially out in the cold. Light of the Holy - his palms are the conduit of light and heat. When extended forward from a hand of his, a ray of burning light strikes what ever it touches, cooking flesh and leaving ash upon any surface it touches. When controlled in his hands, it can be used as a source of heat and light, but it can burn him if it gets too heated. With his staff, he is able to project the light at a further distance, and the heat some distance further but not much. Range - 25 ft w/hand - 50 ft w/staff for damaging effects Personal Seal: [hider=The Tree of Life] [img]https://www.jewelryshoppingguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/tree-of-life-meaning-jewelry-810x810.png[/img] The tree of life, as he gives life to those whom he helps passed down to him for his talents as a healer. [/hider] Personal Staff : [hider=Staff of Giving] This staff of Father Lenistan would help some with mastering his abilities, as he was not able to create his own staff before setting off on the journey, this will be the staff passed down to him shall his mentor dies. [img]https://media-waterdeep.cursecdn.com/avatars/thumbnails/7/416/1000/1000/636284769169697823.jpeg[/img] [/hider] Weapons of choice : Rifle - bolt action rifle 8mm similar the early K98 used in the first world war, it has a foot long bayonet which can also be used as a short epee on its own. or A handgun and sword - he typically does have a full length long sword, but the handgun can vary on supply and availability. Character Relationships: Mentor - Father Lenistan [/hider]