[color=92278f][center][h3]Victor Astorio[/h3][/center][/color] [hider=The Cat and the Mouse] ((WIP placeholder for collab.)) [/hider] It had taken longer than he wanted to arrive at the ball; the [url=https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fa4%2Fc3%2F1b%2Fa4c31bed634dbd8df11a8f9c1cd4de66.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F452400725062682443%2F&docid=1G6PGAZFFJJIoM&tbnid=q8X_CKpE8rQNPM%3A&vet=1&w=308&h=512&bih=673&biw=1366&ved=2ahUKEwj_98avxaLlAhXmIzQIHTf4BqoQxiAoAHoECAEQFA&iact=c&ictx=1#spf=1571289640405]leather armor[/url] of the costume he was wearing for the occasion was mostly decorative covered by embroidered cloth garments. He was regretting choosing this costume but it was too late now, he had not expected to be putting this thing on while regenerating his left arm. At least he found it funny explaining to Salem why vampires do not fight mages at their full capacity because this can happen. The simple prosthetic he was using to help support his slowly regrowing arm was mostly a shell over his weakened arm. The prosthetic simply made it look like his arm looked normal enough when covered by a sleeve and glove. His costume was fitted for him and brought along with his other things. Elegant and decretive, the armor was difficult to put on by himself with a bad arm and it had made him show up to the dance later than he expected. Honestly, he was never one for these kind of gatherings, but he figured he might as well show up. Being one of the largest people at the school, Victor did not bother with a supper extravagant mask figuring it would be easy to recognize him regardless. However, he did splurge a little by getting something out of character for him. A very large hat adorned with feathers and playing cards tucked into the band. Met with a short line and already a few tipsy humans was all the invite he needed to proceed into the sea of people dancing and prancing through the place. He was not the only one there wearing dark colors but it would seem the majority went for lighter colored costumes and clothes. Not as many super large hats though, Victor seemed disappointed at this. Yet with a sigh, he waded into the sea of people and made his way around the edges of the gathering trying to pick out those he might recognize. It was not long before he had already grown tired of the gaggle of dancers in the ball room. Again, he was not used to such things and found the experience more than a little uncomfortable. Not only that but after his last training session his instincts and anxiety have been getting the better of him. Being put in a position where the predator becomes the prey seems to have knocked his invincible arrogance down more than a few pegs. The noble soon found himself picking up a glass and walking toward one of the balconies outside, maybe then he could regain his composure before stepping back inside.