Youmu opened her mouth, and then shut it again moments later. How did she explain Yakumo-sama? To be honest, she didn't really understand too much about the enigmatic gap youkai either. But, if there was anyone within the whole of existence who could return this girl to her original form, she felt certain it would be her. On top of that, Yakumo-sama was a friend of Yuyuko-sama, meaning that she knew Youmu well enough that she could hopefully tell this was nothing pointless or frivolous. Then again, Yakumo-sama did a lot of pointless and frivolous things too, as far as Youmu could tell. But... this girl needed help, didn't she? "I... There is a friend of my mistress, her name is Yakumo Yukari," the half-phantom began, "Her abilities... er..." Youmu trailed off again. She didn't understand Yakumo-sama's abilities particularly well, but... they seemed like they could do almost anything she wanted them to. So if this was the case... "I think she might be able to reverse this completely. Maybe. I hope..." [@KoL][@PKMNB0Y] [hr] Indeed, as soon as Magilou's tornado hit the hunters, they were immediately bowled over, completely unable to react when Hibiki charged over and destroyed their weapons, snapping them like twigs. For the moment, the hunters, even through their plague-induced frenzy, were completely stunned by the sight of their weapons being destroyed that swiftly. But even then, those without guns raised their blades, and the ones who had lost their weapons drew knives. Certainly, they didn't appear to be much of a threat, but a second dog had appeared as well... And the doors at the back of the alley abruptly exploded inwards. The creature that came through them looked like he might have been human at one point, but he had grown to enormous, bloated, overly-muscled proportions, somewhat torn clothing hanging from his body and bandages wrapping his head. "Dear sister..." it practically growled, sounding more like a beast then a man as he advanced, slapping one of the hunters in his way to the side as he did. Certainly, perhaps not the most dangerous threat to this group, but a show of what was perhaps occurring in this town... and a show of potential dangers the little girl could be in. Of note were the lights lit around the street, outside of several doorways. Perhaps it was worth investigating them after the enemies were disabled. [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze][@RoleplayerRoxas]