Stepping up to the deputy, Robinstar touched her nose to his briefly in greeting. “Stagthorn, I hope I find you well,“ she meowed warmly, her eyes surveying the tom. Her gaze then traveled around the camp, seemingly random at first, but her thoughts were made clear as she continued on. “I wanted to ask you if you could recruit a couple of warriors to inspect the snake holes we have blocked up around camp. Ashpelt swears he caught hint of snake near the sunning rocks yesterday,“ she explained, gesturing with her tail towards a grouping of flat topped rocks near the elder‘s cave. “I doubt it really was a snake, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.“ The clan hadn’t seen trouble from snakes in what felt like countless moons, but stories of cats being poisoned in the past were enough to keep everyone alert for such a danger. Hoping she would never have to face such a situation in her time as leader, Robinstar cast one last glance towards the sunning rocks before returning her bright blue gaze to Stagthorn. “I’m also volunteering to join a hunting patrol, if you haven’t already gotten one together,” she then said, a hint of amusement in her voice as she looked over the meager remains of the fresh kill pile. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen more appetizing mice than that.“ [CENTER]~*~[/CENTER] “Thank StarClan! I’m so glad you found her. She must’ve slipped out when I was still sleeping,“ Tansy, the dark cream queen that watched over the nursery, meowed quickly as Eagleleap and Birchwhisker approached, a look of relief spreading across her face. Eagleleap passed a comforting touch of her tail over the other she cat’s back as Birchwhisker deposited Poppykit into the nearest nest. “It’s no problem Tansy. I’m just glad we were able to catch her in the end. She’s fast,“ the Black and silver warrior replied, twitching her whiskers in a half amused sort of way as she glanced towards the now sulking kit. Birchwhisker snorted. “You can say that again,“ he grumbled as he turned and headed out of the nursery cave. Rolling her eyes slightly, Eagleleap said her farewells to the queen and padded out of the cave herself, bright green gaze sweeping over the camp. Taking in a deep breath, she held it for a second before starting off in the direction of the medicine cave. She had wrenched her shoulder a few days before and chasing after Poppykit had aggravated the injury somewhat. Bluetail had treated her when it had first happened, so she wanted to ask the medicine cat if she had better take something for it again. Better safe than sorry. Climbing carefully up the small uneven rise to the cave entrance, she poked her head inside. “Bluetail? Are you awake?“ she called saufley, before she spotted the other cat curled up in a corner. “Oh, sorry Barkpaw, I didn’t see you there.”