With the recent release of Zombieland: Double Tap, I decided we're all heavily overdue a good old zombie killin' RP. I'm not gonna go too deep into detail until I'm sure I have three or five people actually interested, but the gist: Nut Up or Shut Up. This isn't The Walking Dead- we take nothing seriously here. No, this is a for-shits-and-giggles, just-because Zombie Genocide Simulator. Make your characters badasses, load them up on big guns, cool cars, and explosions, and let's go hunt some fuckin' Homers. If you're down, say I! I'm looking for 3 players (Plus me) minimum, and probably a maximum of 7 or 8, because I can't handle much more than that. There will be some story involved, to keep things *actually* interesting, but mostly this is just gonna be a good ol' "Who can kill zombies the best" game. There will be a rating board for Zombie Kill of the Week.