Fumbling with a ring of keys the tall driver stepped onto a grand porch supported by pillars. A frozen over the garden of freshly planted ferns and flowers eerily stay frozen in blossom. The shutters to the large building itself were closed and no light or sound passed through. Finally, with a satisfied grunt, Marco twisted the key and open up the open gathering room. Inside, the cozy warmth of a real fire in the fireplace blasted out and swept over them with a strong breeze. Inside a few men and women stood to wait. Stepping out from among them was Doctor Muller. He was a thin, gaunt man who had a stark crows peak around his beady eyes. His ginger hair was growing bald on his oblong-shaped head. On his long, skinny nose rested a pair of thin-framed glasses. "Welcome Students! I'm so glad you've finally arrived" He announced in a loud voice obviously practiced with speaking to crowds. It was loud and affirmative but gentle and contained. Gesturing behind him was a large pot of beef stew, and around it was a few other smaller dishes of fish, bread and a delectable three-layered cake. Standing around the meals were a few other adults with dress clothes on. They all waited pleasantly to be introduced. "Please, make yourselves at home, there are bedrooms to put your things upstairs. If you need help, Marco here will gladly help you with your luggage. I hope he hasn't scared you, children, he really wouldn't hurt a fly" Muller rambled on in a jolly manner as he ushered them in. He seemed very excited, and his words came out in a flurry. The room itself resembled a great lodge. On two stories there were bedrooms on either side with an open center (that they currently stood in) were a massive fireplace proudly sprouted. There seemed to be one other room at the end of the hall.