[h3][sub][center]T H E P R O M I S E[/center][/sub][/h3][hr] “My name is Gennedy Hardin, head of The Promise security division, investigating the death of Doctor Arthur Coleman. I am speaking to miss Amelia Nelson on her relations to this incident.” the man said simply. It had been exactly what he had said to Lynn when he had interviewed her a few minutes ago. Well rehearsed and uncaring. He dragged his bored gaze to Amelia's. She was terrified, shaking like a leaf. “Please state your full name in confirmation.” This was the first time Amelia had ever been in this situation. At lease, [i]really[/i] in this situation. For all the grand standing she did for sticking it to the man, she had never been face to face with him. It was easier rebelling against some unknown, no faced entity. It was much, much harder maintaining the same resolve with him staring you down. She choked out what she had been instructed to do. "Amelia Nelson." Gennedy grunted. “Today is October 19th, current time is 9:45 AM.” Silence filled the room once more. Amelia shifted uncomfortably. Gennedy cleared his throat and began. “Please tell me about the events leading up to the body’s discovery.” Amelia gulped, but began reciting her story. She told him about how she had simply been out for the evening, and had met up with the group. She had not seen Archie disappear into the woods, but she had heard him scream. Her and the others had run after him to help him. Lynn looked like she had been ready to fight him again if she had needed to. Amelia wasn't sure how to feel about that. When they found the body, she had recognized it immediately. Gennedy had stopped her there. "So you saw the body?" He questioned. Amelia stopped cold, realizing that she had incriminated herself. She did not know this man or how he handled situations like this. She nodded slowly, not taking her eyes off of his. He hummed. "Are you familiar with Arthur Coleman?" "Who?" "Arthur Coleman. The body." Amelia's blood went cold. "I- yes? No? I dont know, I-" She said, stuttering her way through the sentence. She inhaled sharply, holding her breath in for a moment in an attempt to calm herself down. "I dont know him, but I saw him. After Archie turned, I ran." She explained, electing to leave out the detail that she had only done so to help Freaky D. "I ended up in a classroom and he was with a woman." Gennedy raised an eyebrow at this. Amelia pursed her lips. "No, no. I- listen, he was being tortured, I think." "Tortured?" "He looked hurt." Gennedy's expression hardened. He leaned over the table and Amelia felt herself shrink into her chair. "And why didn't you report this?" Amelia was at a loss for words. [h3][sub][center]Archie[/center][/sub][/h3][hr] [i]"What are you waiting for, Boat Farmer? Let’s go.”[/i] "Mmph!" Archie exclaimed, surprised suddenly by his nickname. He turned sharply in Lynn's direction, his edges of his lips curling upwards in a smile when he saw Lynn. "Oh, hey Lynn!" he said with his mouth full. He swallowed what was left of his donut and cleaning his hands off. He stood to greet his friend, and in his own mind he questioned that phrase. Friend. Did Lynn consider him a friend? He certainly considered her one. She seemed the type to be hardened, given her 'I eat nails with no milk' attitude and her scarred exterior. She reminded him of his brother some, but she was smarter than he had been. Less of a bully for the sake of it. Lynn was also nicer than his brother was, too. She had been the first on the scene when he turned on the first day and had stayed with him and made sure he hadn't turned again the night before. Every time he had been in a bad situation she had taken the initiative to help him. That's what friends did for each other, wasn't it? Just as he stood, Cara's voice came on over the intercom. [i]"Mr. Anderson, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Holmes, Ms. Plasse, you are all free to go under Mr. Hardin's order."[/i] Well, that simplified things. He looked down at the donut box and then over to Lynn again and grinned for her benefit. He was hungry, and it was early. Natalie walked in and had sat down, and Keaton shortly thereafter. They seemed to want to talk to one another some, and Archie wasn't about to butt into their conversation. He was hungry, they were freed, Natalie and Keaton were talking and he was curious, and he probably owed Lynn lunch for helping as much as she had. The triangle shape finally fell into the triangle hole for Archie. "Hey, do you guys want to get something to eat?" he questioned. That would probably satisfy Lynn's desire to bounce, and his desire to eat and make sure Natalie and Keaton were okay. Plus, they could commune between themselves as to who said what. The thought that someone might have incriminated another didn't even cross Archie's mind. "There's a nice little breakfast place not far from here." He didn't think about what had happened last time he had elected to take a walk with the group, but that didn't matter all that much in his mind. He left the building with nay a second thought, likely with the others not far behind. The little breakfast place only a minute or so's walk from the station, so getting himself seated took what felt like no time at all. Today was going to be a good day, he decided. Nothing could possibly go wrong.