The roaring sound of the wind passing his ears drowned out the sounds of his screaming as he knew that his life was coming to an end. The whipping and whistling kept him spinning and twirling during his decent as he tried pat himself down looking for something...anything to help him stop. During his decent his eye happened to catch the sight of a drag...A DRAGON!!! Well it just went from bad to worse. Where the expectation of teeth digging into flesh, however, there was some sort of spoken word and attempt to catch him...which failed. It did slow his fall enough for him to bounce off of some sort of net and lamd roughly onto some soft grass. Rubbimg his backside from the rough landing he looked up to thank who ever just saved him. "[B]Ouch!...Hey thanks for the sa….WOAAHH!![/B]" The sight of a spider-woman frightened him as the sight of the dragon flew off into the distance only reinforced this dear. All he could do was keep his mouth wide open as what appeared to be some sort of doll thing hearded the group towards some sort of "adventure". What in the world did he get himself into?