[right][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191021/f1f239aa671f7f5a167033845affbef5.png[/img] [hr] [i][sub]Spirit Pillar Estate[/sub][/i][/right] [hr] [colour=DimGray]"It's not anything serious you don't think, right?"[/colour] Kanami asked. She was a small girl, constantly obscured by a grey and black cloak much too big for her stature. Sat on the engawa, wrapped into herself, watching the rain and one of her only friends dance in the courtyard, she seemed to vanish into the thing, with only tufts of white hair and a set of vibrant blue eyes peeking from under its feather-styled hood. The number of children who numbered among the Demon Slayer Corps had disturbed Kankuro for longer than he could remember, but he respected Kanami's tenacity. Her drive. And, in some ways above all, her skill. Strength wise she was ill fitted for wielding a sword, but over the course of their training together he had time and time again watched her use her speed, size, and silence to her advantage. Her title as First Hummingbird was in every way earned, he believed. Finding himself on the receiving end of her blades in his imagination was a concept he could nought but dread. [colour=SteelBlue]"She said 'Old Man'. When isn't it bad news with 'im?"[/colour] he retorted, punctuated with a wide swing of his spear. He followed with a flourish to act as a feint, then twisted into a thrust, which transitioned quickly into a spin around his waist, and close quarters, shallow cut to the legs. With the Spirit Pillar gone, he had nothing more to do than continue training, until either she returned, or a Crow arrived to give him an order. For the past two weeks, he had been off duty, in order to hone his Breath Style with the Spirit Pillar. The lack of ongoing operations was starting to bore him, though he shunned the thought, [colour=SteelBlue]"You're worried, I get it. She'll be back soon."[/colour] Through the wind, the rain, and the focus of imaginary combat, he barely noticed the sound of a Crow, high above their heads, battered by the ongoing storm. Kanami's head turned to the sound, with speed enough to draw Kankuro's own attention. Though she looked less than imposing, he dexterity and speed in a single moment beyond superseded his own - she was stood and the cloak was parted, arm outstretched into the baleful rain. The hood was down, leaving her shoulder length, grey-white hair to flutter against the sieging winds and the spiral designs of her attire. Even through the blanket of water, the Crow could recognise the action, and dived into the courtyard to grip onto Kanami's arm, and be allowed into the dry expanse of the engawa. Attached to its leg, in a small, wooden housing to prevent water exposure, was a message. [center][i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0dZnWkzv2U][colour=LightSlateGray]Dm.p w.th.pw u.fAiBi.Ld m.lx f.mws.pp fw.L.tf.gdH.tsh.jXw.tl.lf.p fm.p B.QwQ.Ya.P .pxf.lf.p x.pp .lx r.lsk ot.gix .lx u.gcDC.tnq.p f.g r.lk.mw.t[/colour][/url][/i][/center] The Spirit Pillar Estate had over the years developed its own cipher. Written in Latin English, and comprised of over half a dozen variables, the Spirit Pillar herself rarely used it. Despite teaching the key to all those under her, she believed it took much too long to decode, as well as trusted her scouts not to be so careless as to misplace the messages and orders they were sent. Kankuro had a clear view of the message over Kanami's shoulder, who was already deep in thought, shifting each letter mentally. Compared to her, his grasp on the cipher was basic at best, but he could tell that only a small amount of effort had gone into complicating the decryption. The Spirit Pillar wanted it to be read quickly, but only by the people meant to read it. She most likely wanted it burned soon after. After two minutes, it was already decoded, and laid bare for Kankuro. [colour=SteelBlue]"Guess I'll take... Ichigo, Shou, Nana, and Hinako. Get Mayuri on alert, will you?"[/colour] Kankuro instructed, as he turned and ran through the sodden courtyard, towards the living quarters for the other scouts. Over his shoulder, he could see Kanami nod, raise her hood to cover even more of her head than before, and enter into the section of the estate behind her. [hr] [i][sub][right]River Pillar Estate, [@Sho Minazuki][/right][/sub][/i] [hr] By the time the Storm Tsuguko had arrived, seven scouts of the Spirit Pillar had already taken up residence in the former River Pillar's Estate. Two were stood at the entrance to the building proper - two extras from the initial unit of five, which Kankuro picked up along the journey to act as guards. Three were inside, including Kankuro himself, inspecting and carefully rooting through every corner and inch of the estate for any evidence that could explain the River Pillar's actions, or convict him of the treason he had been accused of. And around the complex, out of view of the front entrance with the numerous, free roaming Kasugai Crow's that called the River Pillar's Estate their home, two further scouts were attaching messages to a number of the birds, and sending them away. Almost every aspect of their dress was normal, comprised exclusively of the black, standard issue uniform of the Demon Slayer Corps. On their faces, however, they wore white, featureless wooden masks. The moment Kuuto approached one of the guards, the other ducked into the building. The remaining scout simply stood and listened to the Storm Tsuguko's words, left hand on the scabbard of his blade, not threateningly but on alert. After a couple more moments, the initial scout exited the building, flanked by what was obviously the leader of the investigation party, if only for the chequered grey and black haori over his shoulders. Instead of a sword at his side, he took his steps with a spear, tapping it with every pace like a walking stick. [colour=SteelBlue]"I appreciate the offer, Kirizanto Kuuto-san. I'm The First Wolf to Fushigi-sensei. But you're not gonna be able to see anything yet. Standard operating procedure - only the Spirit Pillar can give you permission to enter, and nothing is allowed to the grounds."[/colour] his words were slightly muffled by the mask, but his tone was clear. And though not in an offensive stance, his body language was clear as well. Regardless that this man was the Tsuguko of the Storm Pillar - Kankuro was the closest thing Yuu had to a Tsuguko. He was prepared to enforce the rules if necessary, but his words maintained that these were orders, and that the Storm Pillar, though senior, did not supersede the Spirit Pillar in rank. With luck, Kuuto would understand, [colour=SteelBlue]"Fushigi-sensei will be passing through here on her way to the estate to check our progress. She'll give you permission then."[/colour]