[center][color=darkgreen][h3]Linkle[/h3][/color] [color=darkgreen][b] Level 5[/b][/color] - (22/50)+3 [color=darkgreen][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Land of Adventure ~ Pelagic Lake [color=darkgreen][b]Word Count: 1699 [/b][/color][/center] [@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN][@Stern Algorithm][@TruthHurts22][@Lugubrious] [hr] "That's Lon Lon Milk for you." Linkle said with cool satisfaction as she watched the boys wounds mend before their eyes. "It's world famous for a reason. Good for the bones, good for the everything." She accepted the now empty bottle back from the boy, resisting the urge for a moment to celebrate the acquisition of a second empty bottle. "Delicious too. The best milk in the wor-" Linkle looked down at the empty bottle in her hand, the only remnants of said famous milk being the lable printed on the side of the bottle and the thin sheen of liquid you get on the inside of anything you drink out of sliding down the sides and coalescing into a few pathetic drops in the bottom. Sometimes the path of the hero was so hard. In lighter news, though, Linkle's other gift seemed to have taken effect with no major drawbacks. The red had cleared from Guild boys eyes, and he didn't seem to be otherwise confused or disoriented from being freed from Galeem's vile control. At least, that what she assumed his lack of outward reaction meant. He wasn't nearly as talkative as his friend, who also thankfully hadn't been somehow offended by the friend heart. That was better news than anything, she had been half-expecting the dragon boy to suddenly get Galeemed out, whip out his sword, and try to take her head off for what she'd done. He even wanted to shake her hand, which she gladly accepted. "I'm just glad we stumbled in here when we did. Someone in your group must be really lucky." "...Wait. Has anyone, uhh, seen my shoe?" Linkle looked over to where Mr. Spikey Head now rested on his knees amid the rapidly disintegrating remains of the fish men's boss. Maybe he was the lucky charm? Like Din Linkle began searching for the mans missing shoe, but the sports floating around kept distracting her. She couldn't see much use for fishy spirits right at the moment. Maybe she could use one if she were feeling like going for a swim, but getting gills or scaly skin right after they just got done killing a bunch of fish men would be kind of awkward to explains to people that didn't seem to know anything about spirits judging from the way they weren't trying to get the little motes. If only she had some way to store them for a later time. Wait! Linkle looked back at the empty bottle in her hand. Bottles could store anything! Linkle quickly made her way around the bridge, quickly bottling up the fish spirits before they could up and vanish on her just like they were fairies. She grinned proudly as the bottle glew with a sof rainbow light as she observed the spirits flitting around inside. It was pretty, even if she could occasionally still catch a glimps of their awful bulgy eyed mugs. While she was admiring the shine her eyes were drawn to something brown floating in the water just off the bridge. "Hey!" She called to the Spikey man, pointing it out. "Is that it?" [hr] Linkle found her Chochobo as they were mounting up to leave. The poor thing was still to skittish from the sight of the fish monsters to even think of stepping close to the shoreline let alone chancing the bridge, but it had remains kweeing and warking on the edges of the battlefield where Din's goat had been tearing it up. As she stepped away from the shoreline and only the grass proper it came running up, lowing it's head to about her level. Linkle instandly keyed on to what it wanted and reached out yo give in a good scratch along the neck. 'Cuu cuu cuu." She said, and it shookand kweed in return. She was honestly shocked the creature had hung around at all, but then again maybe it just knew a bird lover when it found one. Maybe the gunslinger might have been able to get it to fight, like Din had gotten her pokemon to. She cocked her head at the big yellow bird at the thought. 'Hey, you're not a...?" She started, pulling out one of her pokeballs and pressing it against the creatures neck. Nothing happened. Links wasn't really sure what was supposed to happen, but nothing was still disappointing. "I guess not." She said, shaking her head. This head shake turned into a casual look around. Hadn't they come here on two Chochobos? She wondered if Geralt's was still around here somewhere, hiding in the trees? Speaking of Geralt Linkle took another look at him as they got ready to leave. She wasn't really sure how injured he was. Certainly not as much as Guild Boy, thay was for sure, but he did have that noticeable cut over his eyes that was even now healing up. It didn't look like much, but then again it didn't seem like it took much to make you susceptible to the good old friend heart. Junpei had had a self healing power like Geralt dis, and by the end it seemed like her and Minako had mostly been able to free him due to the exhaustion of the laps they'd forced him to swim. It wouldn't hurt to try, right? It might even give her some insight on where the cut off line for this sort of thing was. Emoboldned by the success with Gran earlier Linkle raised her arms above her head with another friend heart in hand. Even if it did bounce off it wasn't like she was going to get attacked or anything. "Hey Geralt, let me help with that." She said, then tossed the heart to him. [hr] They didn't take up the clown faced men's offer of transportation, but that was mostly because Linkle felt like so long as they were going back anyway they may as well gather some ingredients as they went.she explained this as she walked along beside her Chochobo, having given it up for anyone more needful of the large animals strong legs and cushy seat, and included an open invitation to dinner to the trio they had met at the lake. She introduced herself and Din and told them a little about their group, how they were new in town, and how they'd split up to cover a lot of quests at once to make a good impression. They stopped fairly often along the rout, most often because Din found that they were going in the wrong direction for some reason. While she reoriented them to the correct way across the plains Linkle took the opportunity to take a look around for any of the herbs and spices they'd been asked for. In all honesty she probably got more than she needed. Wheat was easy to spot, turnips were easy to get with a little digging, and along with that she picked up basically any plant that she'd remebered seeing on her grandmothers spice rack. She started with it in her arms, but when that became to much she'd taken off the spider shield, placed it upside down in the arms of the chochobo rider, and dumped whatever she got in there like it was an bowl for offerings. It was after their latest stop that Euden walked up beside her and hesitantly began speaking, saying he had been looking for people from his world for some time asking whether she was something called a Syvaln. Linkle shook her head regretfully. 'Sorry, I've never heard of a place called Alberia. I'm a Hylian, like those clown guys or...have you met the kid in green guarding the front gate? I'm especially like him." She'd noticed that he glanced at the top of her head and there was only one thing she could think of that he could be looking at up there. She reached up and pulled one of the floppy things down. "Do Slyvan's have ears like this too? These aren't something I have naturally. They're more...uh..." Linkle felt the weight if the orange swords on her back and grimaced as she'd remembered the truck driving sorsorer and the massive amount of spirits that had exploded out of him when he'd met his end. A guy like that had killed a ton of people and had gathered up their spirits. No, that wasn't right. A guy like that had killed a ton of people [i]too[/i] gather up their spirits. Spirits were valuable, that's why she'd taken the time to gather up the ones at the lake, but this was the first time she'd considered that they were valuable enough to kill for. These guys hadn't reacted to the spirits at the lake, which means they didn't know. Which might be for the better, now that she thought about it. At the same time, though, all three of them had nearly died out there today. Phoenix from where he'd run, Gran from being surrounded, and Euden from using up his power and nearly falling in the water. Spirits in a very real way had saved his life. She didn't distrust any of them, maybe they could use the extra help when it counted. "It's kind of a long explanation." She said, trying to play it off despite the serious look she'd been wearing before. "I can tell you after dinner, if you want to hear it. It actually might just help you find the people you're looking for." She looked wistfully back at Din, and smiled. "I was lucky. Din was right there when I first woke up. I didn't know her. We didn't come from the same place. I don't think we even come from the same time. But it was such a relief seeing that my world wasn't gone, just mixed up into this. So, I get it." "Are you looking for anybody in particular?" She suddenly asked. "I'm already on the look out for this group of animal mask kids and a guys eye, I could look for your friends while I'm at it. It wouldn't be so much trouble to sent them your way if I run into them."