Zion grunted. "Same here. It lies in one of the few regrets I hold in my long life. I do believe they even have a name for me among them, The Black King." He scoffed. "They painted themselves the victims when they attacked me first. But that was centuries ago. I..." He paused, his head snapping towards the city as he moved to the window. "By Valorian's bloody beard.." The vampire swore as he gazed upon the manticore as it flew into the city. "Is that a manticore? I haven't seen one in nearly a century after Brigald wiped out the last known nest in Brightport. They don't live around this area anymore. I remember a few would even bond with them as companions and be able to ride them like the Griffin Knights in the old days." Rex just stared at it for a moment, grabbed his notebook and started running down the stairs to go take notes of the creature. "Father would have a fit if he could see this..." He stopped a few feet away from the creature, taking notes on it's size, Skuggi observing as he perched on the young vampire's shoulder, sending a welcoming image to the creature. [i]City. "Hello."[/i] The skullbird chirped at the beast. [i]Tattered wing. Ankle chain. "Injury? Captive?"[/i] The skullbird's throughts were tinged with worry and a bit of sorrow. Zion followed after Rex, observing the manticore. "Is this your companion, Vex? He's too well-behaved to be wild."