"Ma'am, we're here," the driver informed Solae as the vehicle glided to a stop in front of an unassuming building. Protocol for this sort of rendezvous necessitated it being exclusively private, with no armed entourage or personnel of any kind allowed in the room, but neither party was expected to arrive alone. Each woman had a driver and a singular attendant who was to wait outside. Ten had been insistent on making certain both escorts be veterans of his service. While he could not accompany her, and neither could Rene, the least he do was ensure that there were two individuals that could extract the marquise or die trying if the negotiations soured. He was quite aware that the noblewoman was both his ticket to ensuring his success in the future and someone so dear to her soldier companion he'd be summarily executed should she be seriously harmed. The non-descript property was easy to overlook given the gaudy and garish surrounding businesses. According to Ten this was the site of a 'pleasure club' that was run by an associate of Thorne. Even on Zatis it was uncouth to advertise the erotic services of the exotic Syshin. It had been explained to a horrified Solae that Thorne kept only a few members of the subjugated race and sold the rest as slaves to other interested parties, such as this one, which is why she was able to levy a favor for its closure. It was as close to a neutral premises as they would be able to coordinate with such urgency. Her stomach churned at the thought of what went on behind the drab gray walls. On New Concordia she had not imagined this level of exploitation of the species. "We'll wait outside for you," her 'attendant' confirmed aloud. Both were women as Ten thought that was what Thorne would expect and would find least suspicious. He had not explicitly divulged the background of either, but the linguist strongly suspected they were both ex-soldiers given the way they handled themselves, and because he alluded to the fact that many of the well-trained mercenaries in his employ had served in the military. In its own way it was comforting. They were not Rene, that she knew, but some of their mannerisms were similar and that put her at ease. They had the same strong aura, the same assertive posture, the same succinct way of speaking. "I'm ready," she declared to the driver. The woman in question shifted the vehicle into idling, circled around, and calmly opened the door for Solae. The earlier disguise had been discarded and replaced. She, Rene, and Ten had elected to err on the side of caution since the other costume had been flagged and her doppelganger apprehended. Her new wig was a dark honeyed blonde that was in line with current dye trends and styled to fashionable shoulder length. Brown colored contacts concealed her natural blue irises and the dress from earlier in the day was exchanged with a modern version of the skirted suit. She wasn't sure if Rene was more disappointed he wouldn't see her stay in the shapely gown he had chosen or relieved that she'd be attired more modestly professional while out of his sight. Not wanting to waste any time she rose from her seat and strode confidently to the entrance. The door to the establishment slid open automatically, granting her access without the need for servants, none of which were permitted to be in proximity to the clandestine meeting. Her heels clicked on the pure marble flooring. It was revolting how much decadence there was now that she was inside. Gilded portraits of Syshin in extraordinary poses decorated the small foyer. No expense had been spared yet freedom had been robbed of these gentle, kind, misunderstood people. The profit that must be made here to be able to such afford flawless stone must be significant yet no Syshin would ever see the wealth. She was willing to wager that their quarters were little more than austere cages. Alayla Thorne was not nearly as physically imposing as her reputation might lead others to believe. Her hair was copper red and pulled into a formal bun at the nape of her neck, creating a severe look with her angular features, but Solae could discern even seated she was shorter than average. The slave trader was adorned in ordinary black slacks but her top was of a slick, shiny material accented with dyed animal skin that left portions of her torso exposed almost scandalously. While Ten had suggested his fellow criminal dabbled deeply in illicit activities, not the least of which was 'tasting the goods,' the marquise had to stifle an expression of disgust. Inwardly she had hoped this was hyperbolic speculation. Apparently it was not. "Ms. Thorne," Solae greeted coolly without any warmth in her voice. "Ms. Pruhl," the other woman acknowledged her fictitious identity with a curt nod. "I know you are quite busy, so I will try to be as brief as possible," Solae said as she lowered herself into an upholstered chair opposite Thorne. The room around them was dimly lit with the surrounding furniture nothing more than dark shadows in her peripheral vision. One long stage glittered demurely as it stretched from the darkness to the front of the establishment. Little niches with drawn velvet curtains suggested intimate encounters could be indulged for a price. Crystalline translucent stairs to the left and right led to a second floor. If it had not been a sanctum of debauchery it would have been beautiful to behold. "I would like you to inform Mr. Ralch that Duke Tan had decided to his liquidate his assets after the recent string of failures," she requested casually, though the way she spoke suggested it more of an order she was giving than a favor she was asking. After shooting her a mildly incredulous look, Alayla Thorne raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms defensively. She had falsely presumed that this was going to be an entreaty from one entrepreneur to a possible benefactor. Ten had warned Solae ahead of time that as a wealthy merchant of flesh she had a certain level of entitlement, both in respects to respect and what people would give to earn her approval. To have a demand made up her immediately after greeting had turned this into a confrontation instead of a friendly conversation. "And why would I do that?" she asked haughtily. "Because I have a certain protege of yours," Solae explained as she crossed her legs languidly. "Taking a young child and overseeing its rearing yourself an undertaking. I can only surmise this is because you wanted to ensure you mold her into someone worthy of succeeding you, but it is both a large risk and investment, is it not? If something were to happen to such a child all your work is lost and without the fruit of your efforts. What would you miss most, I wonder, the promise of a companion or someone to carry on your legacy?" Some color drained out Thorne's face at the mention of the girl whom she had hidden away, as far as she was aware, from all of Zatis. Precious few people knew of her existence and nearly half of them were deceased. She searched the marquise's face for any obvious signs of deception but found only placid patience. The edges of her lips twitched in fury and anxiety before she managed to regain her ability to speak. "You couldn't possibly," she asserted with a shred of hope it was a bluff. Solae sighed, as if she was put off by the inconvenience, as she reached for her device. She queued up the video that her fiance had just recently sent, turned the screen to face her captive audience, and played the clip. In those sparse few seconds she could see her adversary scrutinizing the moving images. Once it concluded she allowed herself to frown as she glared at the linguist. "Who are you?" she challenged. "Did you start selling Syshin because you had fantasies about them yourself?" Solae asked pointedly. "What does that have to do with my property?" Thorne replied, outraged, gripping the arms of her chair as if she hoped squeezing them with all her strength might relieve her of this tragic assault on her precious slave. "Since you asked who I am I thought I was equally free to ask an irrelevant personal question," Solae smiled with a dismissive wave of her hand. "All that is relevant at this juncture is that I have the girl and that I require you tell Mr. Ralch of Duke Tan's intentions. I am no friend of the duke's, I can assure you, and I am quite optimistic that Mr. Ralch can put an end to this mutually disadvantageous expansion the duke is quietly planning under his bizarre fabrications. Of course, Mr. Ralch doesn't know me personally, but he does know you enough to trust you. Should you assist me in this matter I will be willing to discuss returning your lovely ward." For a few moments they simply sat staring at each other. Solae was confident she had intermixed enough truth- such as not being an ally of the New Concordian aristocrat or knowing Ralch personally- that her lies were indistinguishable among the sincerity. Her heart pounded in her chest, however, since she knew how crucial striking this deal was to their plan. Undoubtedly Thorne was trying to make mental calculations herself. It had become apparent that only one topic was on the proverbial table and that the trafficker would have to take a leap of faith or forfeit her most prized possession. There was an inherent danger if Solae's warning was true as well. If Duke Tan invaded the city with his influence she could be edged out by mere association with those he disliked. "She is unharmed?" Thorne finally inquired with narrowed eyes. "Except for the injuries she had already sustained when my forces took her into their custody," Solae affirmed. "Contact me after you have spoken with Mr. Ralch and, once I can independently authenticate it, I will advise you where you can locate the girl." They both stood. No longer was there even the faintest pretense of congeniality. Thorne nodded, turned, and stalked off to an unseen recess where she had both entered and exited the building. Solae went back out the way she came, the front door, and sighed with relief at the sight of her car still idling unscathed. Her attendant edged over the door to open it for her. Only once she was safely resting on the bench seating of the luxury vehicle did she feel the tension leave her muscles. Everything had gone exactly as she hoped but they were yet free. The PEA had been a distant dream but it drew ever closer. Complications and contingencies between her and the beacon of the Stellar Empire felt increasingly inconsequential with each step she took. Solae activated her communicator, a small bead on a charm bracelet, the latest in technological achievements that paid homage to courtly aesthetics. "It was a success. Thorne is reaching out to Ralch. Is Mia ready?"