[quote=@XoXKieroBombXoX] [@Genon] Another buffing stand! Quick question though, does it only work for the user, or does it work for others too? Accepted btw. [/quote] It works for anything, living or non-living. Slap this on your car and it can drive through a cliffsiide and out the other end even when your tunnel inevitably caves in. Slap this on an incredibly-fragile Stand and suddenly it can take a rocket launcher to the face. I'm exaggerating with those examples, but in general the idea is that it can be slapped on anything as easily as a sticker, and the effect will apply. It'll even work on your stereotypical Priceless Ming Vase. EDIT: Oh, btw, ProPro just told me that it would be appropriate for Birra to have an explosive temper, though it takes a lot to push him that far. I think it's appropriate, especially for JoJo. Mind if I edit that into my sheet in the CHAR tab?