[@Leda] I did manage to ask the first question before, back in the first page of the OOC, but I can't really answer the second. With that in mind, the technology level is as stated below: [quote=@DontCallMeZelda] Wonderful questions as always. For the first question: That is entirely up to you! My character will be more on the “not so experienced, but he can definitely hold his own in a fight” side. Room to grow! If you want your character to follow that same pattern that’s great! We can grow together. If not, having a master of combat in some field would prove invaluable for the party I think! We could all learn from someone who is an expert in their field. For the second question the technology would not be too terribly advanced. Bombs and fire arms do exist but they would not be too terribly common. Armies still mainly employ ballistic forces and tried and true cavalry army units. Along side siege weaponry. However, given this is high fantasy you may use your imagination a bit. More details about this would come as we progress with the technology advancement being closely attuned to magic. The most advanced major city is Linmark the city in the snow. Mainly due to their connection to magic. Flying contraptions do exist but they are few and far between. Third question: Depends on what players we get really! While being from different parts of the world would be interesting I’m definitely not going to force it. We will meet a colorful cast of npcs along the way from all four corners and more as well. Hope that helps! [/quote]