"Got it," he breathed, grabbing for the knife gingerly before he felt the familiar hilt in his palm. Gripping it, he began to saw the webbing slowly. He was still far weaker than he was used to, but the lack of consciousness had given him a modicum of rest. He cut through his bonds relatively quickly, freeing his arms first, and then one leg at a time. Meanwhile, Iseldis had already fallen and landed nimbly on her feet. Roland envied her agility. He wasn't brutish or slow, but he couldn't do many of the things she could accomplish. With one last cut, he tumbled to the earth. Quickly he reached out with a strong hand and caught the ground, letting his feet fall past him to cuff the earth. It was slightly audible, but after a few moments of waiting, no draugr were incoming. He breathed easier. He got off his butt, only to bump into Iseldis who had risen to her feet at just the same time. "Sorry," they both breathed, and after a moment they placed a hand on one another's arms to make sure they didn't run into each other again, and they moved to the door simultaneously. Roland whispered to her. "There's two Draugr out there right? Can you destroy one with your powers while I use the dagger?" He knew she had abilities he didn't, but he still felt it was unfair that he was the one to use the knife even though it logically was very fair. It was time to use one of his skills though, and creeping forward, they made it to the metal door. He brushed his hands along it gently, and lightly kicked the dirt beneath them at the bottom of the door. Based on the solidness of the structure and the dirt, it wasn't liable to make a lot of noise when they opened it, which was his main concern. Now all they needed to do was [i]do[/i] it. "I'm ready when you are." He said to her. "I go right and you go left?" [@Luminosity]