[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/avertastevia-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191020/cb995e8dd02995aa1ea9f1a690dbb411.png[/img][/url] [/center] [center] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUtAWeSK28g][img]https://www.wallpaperbetter.com/wallpaper/863/381/212/art-painting-night-city-street-lights-1080P-wallpaper.jpg[/img][/url] [/center] [indent][b]Location:[/b] Duncaster - Backstreets/Elysium Lounge and Bar.[/indent] [indent][b]Time:[/b] 9:00 PM.[/indent] [indent][b]Interactions:[/b] None.[/indent] Vitius rolled his shoulders as he strode down yet another back alley, momentarily relieving the tension that had built up over the course of his trek into the city itself. Normally he would have taken a less... [I]"dangerous"[/I] looking route, such as a main street or traffic heavy road, but the world had changed since his day. No longer did people wear suits of armor as he did, or carry daggers and other primitive instruments with which to defend themselves from attack. Now people wore regular fabric, and if they desired protection, they used firearms or chemicals such as mace and pepper spray instead. Intricate devices those were. Ones that had the potential to kill or incapacitate a person before they even knew what hit them. As for transportation, horses had since been relegated to farms or petting zoos where everyone could see, touch, and ride them. No longer were they the personal transports of the wealthy as they had been in his day. Rather, people travelled from place to place in automobiles made of steel and fueled by the remains of long dead lifeforms buried deep underground. He scoffed at his own musings as he walked along, avoiding various piles of trash and debris that had accumulated in the absence of any real garbage disposal service workers who usually patrolled neighborhoods such as these. Immortality had given him far too much to think about and far too much time with which to do so. It became... exhausting at times, though the random planar shifts he was undergoing managed to spice things up just enough to make him decide against running a stake through his own heart or getting a tan out of sheer boredom. For the time being anyway. Speaking of which, the planar shifts were a whole ordeal in and of themselves what with the demon blood in his system causing him to jump from Tenebris to Hell and back again on a near constant basis. And the fact that the two realms weren't exact replicas of each other in terms of topographical layout only made said trips worse. One moment he could easily be taking a shit somewhere, and the next end up in hell with nothing but the clothes he was born in. Of course this hadn't happened yet, thankfully, but it [I]could[/I] have and that's what concerned him. Aside from his pride, Vitius worried that if he didn't get this new ability under control soon, he'd end up in hell one day with nothing to use for self defense or, even worse, fast asleep and completely at the mercy of hells denizens. He wasn't sure what a demon would actually do to someone with the parasite, but he doubted it was anything good. Coming to a stop, almost on instinct, Vitius broke his reverie and turned his gaze towards the spray painted door standing in the dirty brick wall before him. A smile crept across his face as he placed his hand against the knob and pushed it open, taking a moment to let some memories wash over him as smooth jazz music poured out into the alley from the other side. Entering the Elysium Lounge and Bar, his plate armor clanking slightly as he did so, one memory of this place in particular rose to the forefront of his mind. That being the time this place first opened for business three-centuries ago. Back then it was just a small tavern, one that wouldn't have accepted patrons like himself had he not used a disguise to hide his true nature, that was passed down from father to son for generations before adopting a more inclusive stance on those it served when the modern age rolled around. It had also gone from being a strictly father-son establishment to being run by the last owners daughter Loretta, the hundred-fiftieth member of the Gornick line if memory served, who had taken on the task once her father had gotten too old to continue running it himself. Crossing over the threshold and into the establishment itself, a warm, dark place filled with the low murmur of conversations between patrons, Vitius wandered over to the bar and settled his armored mass on a nearby stool, removing his hood at last. Loretta caught sight of him and smirked in much the same way one might when encountering a friend they hadn't seen in many years as she strode over with a glass and bottle of Mal'rohk whiskey in hand. It wasn't actually alcohol of course, especially given the current clientele's preference for crimson liquid rather than the usual brown or gold varieties, but the donated blood of a rather heavy whiskey drinker hence the flavor and intense burning sensation it evoked when drank. "Fancy seeing you here again after all these years." She said, filling up the glass halfway before setting it down and sliding it over to him. "Last time I saw your old ass was back when stormed out of here piss drunk claiming you were going to go live out in the wilds like one of the outcasts." Vitius let out a small chuckle as he brought the glass up to his lips and took a sip, grimacing slightly from the burn as it went down. "I've changed since then." "I can tell. Well like I said after taking over the business from my old man, you can take a load off here if you need to, rest for a bit before going back out there." She said, jerking her thumb towards the door he'd entered through. "If you need anything though, just let me know." Vitius nodded as Loretta went to check on the other patrons, leaving him to his drinking.