Rolling up the sleeves of her tabard, Steppe Archer would get right into the work of hauling corpses while the details were discussed. It wasn't easy work, but it was simple enough. The girl was exceedingly careful when dragging out animals, as she had hoped to perhaps sneak a corpse or two off to skin, but relatively few of the pelts were intact. So stained with blood, that even trying to tan them would probably ruin them. And at the mention of the sewer running off into the ditch, Steppe Archer would cringe just a bit, remembering the harrowing adventure where she'd almost lost a friend. Plus, that meant cockroaches might come out to snack...All the more reason to hurry it up then. They'd be there until sunset, to be certain, but the passage of time meant little compared to Steppe Archer's disdain for insects. The nomadic girl couldn't help but look on in awe at the raw power of the Lizardman as he worked. Given her own previous predisposition to strip in public, the Lizardman removing his shirt just made sense to her. Why ruin perfectly good fabric? Steppe Archer still at least had enough to cover her womanly modesty, but it was really just her chest and calves that were covered. Humming, Steppe Archer would spot a goblin corpse, mouth impaled upon one of the palisade spikes. Judging from the arrow in his back, some patrolman had shot him while he was skulking about in the dark. Pulling the arrow free, Steppe Archer would wipe the blood off on the Goblin's meager loincloth, putting it in her quiver before ripping him off carrying him over her shoulder. She would do this to several other corpses within her weight range, strong enough in her own right to drag a deer, but not carry it. Just as she reached the pyre and dumped her most recent charge into it, Steppe Archer's ears perked up at the sound of a call for help. Had something been alive? Running towards the Druid Girl's voice, Steppe Archer would frantically pat her bloodied hands down across her clothing, drawing her bow and an arrow to be ready to fire. Seeing the boars advancing, Steppe Archer looked to them, then the druid girl. This was bad...she'd heard that the boars of this region were dangerous, reckless beasts. A porcelain rank had no business trying to tangle with one, but here her largely unarmed friend was being stared down by TWO. And behind her...was a baby. Now, Steppe Archer was starting to get an inkling as to what was going on. Acting fast, Steppe Archer would yell out: [color=CC6633][b]"Move away from the piglet!"[/b][/color] before firing an arrow that intentionally missed right before one of the boars. Steppe Archer knew it was foolish, but if she could lead the boars away, she could climb a tree and wait out their ire. She was confident that she could run fast enough to reach a tree, but slowly backed off towards one, just in case. [color=CC6633][b]"Um...I-If they run after you, try and use some magic! I think you know magic! I really hope you were being serious about being a Nature Mage!"[/b][/color] she continued to yell, no doubt drawing yet more attention to herself. One arrow might fell a boar, but she was guaranteed to be gored before she could get a second one to fly. As such, her best option was to just try and avoid a fight at all costs.