Neil managed to nab a can of assorted meat and vegeatbles, aptly named "Galactic Mix" and tossed it to Sayeeda. She caught him, giving a closed mouth grin in thanks. Neil found one for himself too. It wasn't much, but it was something to keep them going for the next few hours, and the two of them popped the cans and dug in with their makeshift silverware, consisting of Neil using a cleaned wrench and Sayeeda handling a short, bent pipe in the form of a crude spoon. It was apparent there was a disparity when the two had come in. The upper class women sat at the end of the table, with Neil and Sayeeda, covered in grease and sweat, scarfing down food and booze with equal enthusiasm. Indra looked disgusted, and Taya looked simply embarrassed when she noticed their guest watching in morbid fascination. Indra continued their conversation as the two ate. "So we can board without them being any the wiser?" She asked, sighing. Despite herself, she was obviously hungry as well. She wouldn't admit it, however. Not until they were gone at least, so she could relax and speak with Taya further. "That is good news, but shouldn't you be spending all of your time and effort to repair the ship? You can eat after you're finished." As she was speaking, Neil had downed the last bit of the 'slop', almost inhaling it down his gullet. He set it down and grabbed a bottle of Phaerimian Ale, uncorking the top. "We need to rest a little bit," the Pilot said. At Indra's rolling of the eyes, Neil smirked. "Looks like someone doesn't appreciate us saving them from that fat man at great personal risk, eh? Or this cyborg that would likely strip her for parts." Indra colored, caught in being embarrassed and guilty. Neil had meant it as a playful jab, but Junebug reclined, kicking her legs on the desk. "It certainly seems like we're not being appreciated, I grant you that." She said, and Indra took the bait. She shook her head, and despite the haughtiness not ten seconds ago, she reached across the table and grabbed at Neil's hands. "No, no, I am very appreciative. I've already thanked you so much." Neil wasn't certain why she was grabbing at his hands, but he realized after a moment that he was the one that had shot the fat pasha and saved her. He also realized that no one with any sane mind would think Junebug was being truthful, but again, Indra had been without sleep or [i][i]hope[/i][/i] for many weeks. Neil squeezed her hands. "We're bullshitting, don't worry." He told her in no uncertain terms. "They act like this, but we've entertained royalty before. A Prince, even!" Taya exclaimed. The remark caused Junebug to wince and Neil to lose his uplifting expression. It hadn't been brought up for months, and the Prince debacle was still not a good subject to bring up for various reasons. The fact that they were in pursuit by the law, Neil's slight jealousy and Junebug being lied to by the corrupt bastard. "Really?" Indra asked, intrigued. Taya zipped her lip after she was glared at, however. She nodded, swallowing. "Yes, but it didn't last long. We just love helping people. Going all over the galaxy, we bump into the strangest men and women, and Xenos too. I remember this one time-" She continued on to change the subject, and Neil grunted and stretched. "I think we better get back to work. You ready?" he asked the Captain. [@Penny]