After doing that much damage, she looked to the trogs and saw that despite their fear, they were going to fight to the bitter end. She sighed shaking her head and she muttered "Don't they know when to quit?" She then hears the trogs coming from behind. She turns to face them just as Pylia blocks an arrow from one of the trogs. She decided to focus on them, since she would rather not be overwhelmed. Shortfang can handle the one trog on the other side. She moved to stand next to Buddy, hoping that while she moved in that direction she could potentially find the lever or some way to open the gates for the kobold army. She struck the healthier trog with the tonfa first, hoping to do significant damage to it, before finishing off the trog Buddy attacked earlier with an oncoming punch. [hider=Sylvia's Turn!]Run to stand next to Buddy and attack the trog next to Trog 2B with the tonfa for the action. Then attack Trog 2B with an unarmed strike for my bonus action. Looking for any levers/any way to open the gates while she's at it. Tonfa Attack: [url=]27[/url] Damage: [url=]8[/url] Unarmed Strike: [url=]27[/url] Damage: [url=]5[/url][/hider]