[@XoXKieroBombXoX] Reworked my ability, tell me if this is good Stand name: [Unshaken] Ability: Unshaken's latent ability is to absorb energy, whether it be Thermal, Radiant, Chemical, Kinetic, ETC. Though do note, that he can only absorb so much. Think of it like a battery. Only so much can be stored. There are varying ways that Unshaken can release absorbed energy, but it has to be released as its absorbed form. So no changing energy. Stand cry: Angelo, Angelo, Angelo!! Height: 7'4" Obtained through: Inheritance, but Jon does not know that Appearance: https://i.pinimg.com/474x/5c/fc/30/5cfc3076f3c80d108e6f36ed2333f28f.jpg Stats: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15NVPRfNQWZZmEGnUBs0k09CBeQcXuwM0/view?usp=sharing