[center][h1][color=forestgreen]Yeshua Sands - Terrorkeet[/color][/h1][/center] The gathered humans were exceptionally rude for not pardoning Terrorkeat's sneeze, leaving the Kaiju to rub a claw under her nose as the bullets pinged off of her feathers and flattened themselves to her skin. The sensation was liking standing in a very heavy rainshower that was being blown sideways directly torwards her, something that was bearable but still an irritant. Worse yet, they were sending more of those missiles to pollute the air around her, no doubt part of some insidious scheme to make her sneeze herself senseless. She was going to blow the whole slew of projectiles upwards and let the cloud cover diffuse the noxious payload safely overhead when an angry papercut smarted across her wing, the limb spasming and stretching outwards to alleviate the sting of Utena's blade. [color=forestgreen][i]I can't send her upwards, her lungs will go 'POP!' and then she'll go splat. Umm, oh! I know what to do![/i][/color] The GMG chirped excitedly, spreading her arms and wins out wide before pulling the air inwards as they curled tight around her chest, pulling Utena like a vaccuum into a kaiju's embrace as her wings curled over and around them in an shell of vibrant, hardened pinions. [color=forestgreen][i]Not the comfiest way, but hey, at least I can blow the stink clouds away.[/i][/color] Even if from the outside it looked like she'd just crushed their field commander between her buxom before squatting down to lay an egg beneath the layers of her curled wings, she really did have the best intentions.