[center] [h1][color=yellow][b][u]Karamir[/u][/b][/color][/h1] & [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/db5fbe56-1a70-4ebd-bb9c-42cc72afd124/ddc5bm0-52f6cbe8-4926-4a26-acda-073372af3464.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2RiNWZiZTU2LTFhNzAtNGViZC1iYjljLTQyY2M3MmFmZDEyNFwvZGRjNWJtMC01MmY2Y2JlOC00OTI2LTRhMjYtYWNkYS0wNzMzNzJhZjM0NjQucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.jr2B-FknPRW6aEiUD_3RBHLbPK9S9lY7Kki1c5t530A[/img] [h2]Li’Kalla[/h2] Deviant Goddess of Rain MP 14 FP 20 [/center] [hr] The demigod and his companion walked on. Their direction was clear, and they could not afford to waste time. Since the last encounter they’d made sure to avoid all of the overly muddy terrain they stumbled upon. Eventually a single structure, a shabbily built wooden watchtower, broke the line of the horizon. And soon after that, many more structures rose from beyond sight. They were all tents and huts, easy to move and just the bare essentials to protect oneself from the elements. A furry critter scurried past the two travellers and into a particularly tall spot of grass as the distant cries of a bird resonated throughout the plains. The tents were erected on either side of the road and the largest of them was surrounded by a handful of the smaller ones. As Karamir and Fenris approached, the sounds of indistinct chatter reached their ears. Many voices, all of them male, were speaking inside the larger tent. Suddenly, the voices started to grow louder and louder, until one of them started to yell. “-hat is he thinking, seriously? Does he even care about this project?!” There was a loud thump. Someone brought their fist down on a table most likely. And then another voice yelled back. “Of course he does! You can’t see it because you’ve only been with us for…” The second voice’s volume eventually went down, but the first voice would not back down. “THAT MAKES NO SENSE! Use your heads, by Li’Kalla’s Grace!” Shortly after, an adolescent Valthumir stormed out of the tent and stomped his way into the treeline on the other side of the road, opposite from Karamir and Fenris. A few moments passed, and the unintelligible chatter began once more inside the large tent. [color=yellow]”Wait here,”[/color] Karamir instructed, leaving Fenris to wait on the muddy, uneven road. He then carried on toward the tent, and came to a stop just before the flap. [color=yellow]”Hello?”[/color] he ventured. [color=yellow]”May I come in?”[/color] The chatter stopped, and after a moment a deep voice rung out. “You may come in.” And upon stepping into the tent, Karamir was hit by the scent of burning lavender petals, as well as the sight of little over a dozen Vallamir sitting around a large oval table staring directly at him. There were all kinds of shapes and builds present, but there was one thing they all had in common. They had well-developed muscles, and strength seemed to lie dormant under their skins. A few of the Vallamir averted their gaze, others scrutinized him further. But there was one whose expression softened somewhat after he was done scrutinizing his form. This one Vallamir, dark haired, with pointed incisives and heavy in both muscle and fat stores, nodded at Karamir. He spoke in a deep, rumbling voice not unlike a lion’s roar. “Hey. Name’s Bon. You looking for work building The Queen-Mother Li’Kalla’s roads, by any chance?” Karamir shook his head. [color=yellow]”No,”[/color] he said apologetically. [color=yellow]”My name is Karamir, son of Kalmar.”[/color] “Oh, then I see that quite the privilege has fallen into our laps. What do you think, children? Meeting Kalmar’s son.” Bon asked the others sitting at the table with a chuckle. Most of them laughed. “I thought I’d be swallowed by the mud before I saw another divine’s son, after the Goat. Hah!” “Yeah, no joke.” “There’s so many divines, aren’t there?” “Maybe it’s just us being special. If I was a divine I’d want to visit us.” Bon slapped the table and everyone fell silent, even though they had smiles on their faces. “So,” Bon began, “What’s the goal behind your visit, Karamir? And why did Kalmar not invite us to his wedding… Actually, nevermind that, you’re probably older than you look. We probably weren’t around by the time you came around.” Karamir paused in confusion at the mention of a wedding - Kalmar had never mentioned being married, and the Vallamir of Kalgrun had learned that concept from Arae rather than him - but decided to address the more important matters first. [color=yellow]”I came here to find out what happened to those who followed Li’Kalla across her bridge,”[/color] he said. [color=yellow]”Now, it seems I found that, so I suppose I should meet Li’Kalla herself.”[/color] Bon nodded, “Yes, that’d probably be a wise move from you. Introduce yourself and she might grant you permission to work with us. I know you’re on the fence about helping us out but let me tell you, Muc right here,” He said pointing to one of the smaller Vallamir present, “Makes some of the best stock in the entire world. It’s definitely worth it.” Karamir stood in awkward silence. This was such a sharp contrast from Sun’Kalla’s cold difference. Yet it had also been far more upbeat and welcoming than any other reception he had received on Kalgrun. His gaze shifted from figure to figure. [color=yellow]”To tell the truth,”[/color] he said after a while. [color=yellow]”I’m not even sure [i]what[/i] you’re building, or what ‘stock’ you’re referring to. Could you explain?”[/color] he asked in a genuinely curious tone. The Vallamir all exchanged a look. Their faces twisted and Bon looked back at Karamir with his brow furrowed, “You… Don’t know what a road is? Well…” Bon sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose between his index and thumb, “It’s a permanent path connecting two locations. It is meant to make travel quicker, safer and cheaper. Right now we’re building a road to connect the Eternal Forest and the Holy Capital… It hasn’t been easy, thanks to the Life-Giving Rain, but we make do. We should be finished in… About three hundred moons, I’d say? And then we will establish a settlement in the Forest in the name of the Queen-Mother.” [color=yellow]”And what is this ‘Holy Capital’, exactly?”[/color] Karamir asked next. This time it wasn’t Bon that spoke, it was Muc, the presumed cook of the group. His voice was high pitched and raspy. “The Holy Capital is the Holy Capital. It’s where Li’Kalla’s manor is located, and we built our lives around it.” That told him absolutely nothing. [color=yellow]”Is it a village, then?”[/color] he asked instead. “It’s bigger than a normal village, and with sturdier homes. We had some trouble keeping everyone well fed for a few years, but some Valthumir were tasked with learning how to make use of plants and grow them for our benefit and their experiments showed promise… That was a month ago, though. Have heard nothing since.” Muc said, and then Bon nodded. “Yeah, we get decent amounts of food because we work hard. Others are not so well taken care of. Especially those that just exist to breed and breathe.” Bon said with a shrug. [color=yellow]”What do you mean?”[/color] Karamir asked, furrowing his brow. “The less physical work you do, the less food you’re given. We do hunt and gather most of it, so it’s at a premium these days. Some Vallamir have to make do with eating Living Mud.” [color=yellow]“How do you decide who does what work?”[/color] Bon looked at another Vallamir seated at the table. This one blond and with eyes slanted to the point they almost seemed closed. He sat with his elbows propped up on the table and a sigh revealed sharp incisives much like Bon’s. “Most people choose where they want to spend their days when they come of age. If you can’t cut it however, the hierarchy takes matters into its own hands and plans your life for you.” The furrow in his brow deepened. [color=yellow]”Why would anyone want their life planned for them?”[/color] There was a collective shrug in the room and a few moments of silence until Bon piped up, “It’s how it works here. Now, we have to keep planning our project. Unless you changed your mind, you should probably go on your way so we do not bore you with talk of stone hauling and dirt packing.” [color=yellow]”I think I’ll stay and listen for a time, actually.”[/color] Karamir said. Bon perked up, and so did many of the others. “Oh? So you’re going to lend us a hand?” [color=yellow]”I’m still not entirely sure what you are doing,”[/color] Karamir told them. [color=yellow]”I just want to learn more, but I won’t get in the way.”[/color] “Ah, that is a problem,” Bon leaned back, “You see, we’re not supposed to let non-officials know the details of our project. Telling you our plans for a future settlement might already have been too much. So I’m sorry Karamir, but unless you intend to work with us then we have to ask you to leave. Even if you did offer to work with us, you’d have to get official permission from the Queen-Mother anyway…” [color=yellow]“Is there a reason why I can’t know?”[/color] he asked. [color=yellow]”I always thought it was better to share information than to withhold it.”[/color] “A fair belief. You might be a member of a settlement that’s enemy to the Capital and therefore all of Li’Kalla’s Faithful, though. Sorry, no exceptions. Not even for a Divine.” Bon nodded apologetically. [color=yellow]”An enemy? [i]What?[/i]”[/color] Karamir spoke incredulously. [color=yellow]”Why would I be your enemy? I’m the first of your kind. The entire reason I came here in the first place was to make sure you were all alright.”[/color] The blond Vallamir buried his face in his palms while Bon raised an eyebrow. “You must know how easy it is to lie about one’s reasons and motivations. This is all procedure, we do it for every single new arrival we get. By Her grace, and here I was thinking I wouldn’t have to get all formal…” [color=yellow]”Is everyone on this land so skeptical toward others?”[/color] Karamir asked, annoyance creeping into his tone. The blond Vallamir groaned, “What, do you want us to wait until we have a knife through our guts before being skeptical? Maybe you don’t have enough dangers where you come from, but here if we’re not careful we could wake up to see the whole Capital in flames.” [color=yellow]“Who would do something like that, and how?”[/color] Karamir asked doubtfully. “People, and with fire. Now go.” The blond pointed toward the exit with his head, before Bon cleared his throat. “Tang, you don’t have to be so disrespectful-” “He’s [i]delaying[/i] us. We’re already behind enough as it is, if we take any longer we might not have another opportunity this good!” [color=yellow]”You misunderstood my question,”[/color] Karamir insisted. [color=yellow]”[i]Why[/i] would they do this? Where are they? How can they be stopped?”[/color] Tang stood up in an explosive movement and stormed out past Karamir. Bon shook his head, “You’ll be better served by asking those questions to the Queen-Mother, should she deem you fit enough to talk to you in person. Just follow the road and you’ll reach the capital in half a day if you’re quick.” Karamir sighed. [color=yellow]“Alright, then,”[/color] he sighed. [color=yellow]”Farewell.”[/color] And with those words he exited the tent. The first thing he stepped into was a confrontation. Fenris, having heard the conversation in the tent due to his enhanced senses, maneuvered in front of Tang to block their path, and had commanded him to stop. Now, he glared at the shorter Vallamir. “You need to learn respect,” he growled. Tang stared back, taking in Fenris’ features and giving the air a sniff. “Huh, that’s funny, where was your friend’s respect when we told him we could not give any more information and he kept asking stupid questions?” “Questions about [i]why[/i] you couldn’t give him information,” Fenris corrected. “You have functioning ears, don’t you?” Tang tsked his mouth and maneuvered around Fenris. “Just go, stop wasting our time. We’re on a tight schedule as it is…” He said as he disappeared into one of the smaller tents. [color=yellow]”Let’s go,”[/color] Karamir said. Fenris looked to the tent, then back at him. “You shouldn’t-” [color=yellow]”We’ve been over this,”[/color] Karamir snapped. [color=yellow]”There’s no point talking to these people. We can’t help them if they won’t tell us how, and there’s no use letting yourself be provoked by mere words. Let’s go. Maybe Li’Kalla can give us some actual answers.”[/color] [hr] The further they advanced upon the road, the more developed it seemed to be. The closer they drew to the Capital, the better the infrastructure, and the more numerous the unmarked graves on either side of the road. His frustration turned to melancholy. It had been twelve years since the Vallamir had been created. The bodies buried in these graves had not died naturally. They had been killed, by animals, by sickness, by hunger, or by the enemies the others had alluded to. It was wrong. Why had they been reduced to this? Why had Li’Kalla allowed it to happen? Eventually over the horizon poked out the straw-topped wooden huts, and past the huts were bigger, taller homes. It was a sight to behold, and it was clear that the predominant color in the settlement was white. Maybe the color came from the packed dirt between the buildings being strangely washed out, or the air itself being thick and heavy. It made no difference to Karamir and Fenris as they approached the village-turned-city. Walls were in construction, and the arch welcoming the two travelers to the city had four guards posted on either side, armed with stone weaponry, clubs,crude bows and blowguns. They were dressed in impressive furs, and their white hair, grey eyes and refined features regarded the approaching Divine with barely held back alarm. The guarding Valthumir exchanged a look and one of them took off running into the city and towards the biggest, most luxurious structure visible. A manor the size of ten high-class homes, built by unknown materials using unknown techniques. The other guards didn’t try to stop the two travelers, but it was clear to Karamir and Fenris by the way their grip tightened on their weapons that this land was anything but friendly. As they walked through the streets, tailed by two of the guards, most of the Vallamir and Valthumir that caught sight of them quickly moved out of the way and glared at them in fear, hesitation and most of all, curiosity. They passed through a market and someone dropped a basket of freshly cooked Boiledfins. Someone else bumped into a stall offering nuts. Karamir furrowed his brow. Sun’Kalla had been suspicious. Tang had been impatient. He could understand those emotions, even if he did not think them justified. But now… he was seeing fear. He had done nothing to these people. Then he remembered the talk of bandits, and curses, and he realized they were not afraid of what he had done. They were afraid of what he [i]might[/i] do. Over the distance, an unseen bell tolls and the heavy wooden doors to the Manor are dragged open. All the activity in town ceases, and everyone drops to their knees facing in the direction of the manor, before lowering their head and exposing their napes. The only ones that didn’t kneel were the guards and the travelers, but when the bell tolls again, activity begins once more. This time, people seemed less afraid of the travelers and continued with their daily routines. And so the two came up to the entrance to the Manor, and three guards were standing in their way, even though the entrance was open. One of them, the one that had run all the way there, moved aside without taking his eyes off the Divine Karamir. And a voice spoke directly into Karamir’s mind, coming from the unnatural darkness shrouding everything past the entrance to the Manor. [color=steelblue]”I have not met you before, Karamir. You’re a new Divine, aren’t you? You give off an aura similar to Kalmar’s… Come in. Alone.”[/color] Karamir squinted. Alone? What an odd request… Yet… it was also one that made little difference. Fenris, even in his Vallamir form, was far stronger and swifter than any common mortal, yet could do nothing against a god. If Li’Kalla did indeed have ill intentions, then the wolfman would likely be safer if left behind. Besides, he was in the heart of Li’Kalla’s lands, with the intention of meeting the Goddess herself. That required him to put some level of trust in her. [color=yellow]“I’m going to need you to wait here,”[/color] he said to Fenris. [color=yellow]“No disputes.”[/color] Without awaiting Fenris’s response, Karamir nodded to the guard, and stepped into the darkness of the manor. Upon passing the threshold of the entrance, the darkness dissipated for Karamir and the doors closed on their own behind him. He was in a rather modest looking hall. There were spots with missing ornaments and furniture, as evidenced from the shapes left in the dusty floors and walls. It was a very… Bare room. To either side there were counters with closed doors behind them, and looking straight forward he saw a big foyer with a grand ornamental staircase at the far back. The entire place was lit up by strange bright lights hanging from the ceiling, some in chandeliers and some in more subtle casings. It was nowhere as near as grand as the Palace of Dreams, yet he couldn’t help but feel reminded of it. Suddenly footsteps came from the staircase, and coming down it was Li’Kalla, the Goddess of Rain. She looked as beautiful and attractive as one could be, and her dress was made of an otherwordly material, with golden accents along the seams and cuffs, and cutouts for her shoulders, navel and elbows. The dress ended just a little bit above the floor, just enough for it to not drag along and get dirty, and she was not wearing footwear of any kind. She confidently walked down the staircase with her gaze glued to Karamir. Her voice was soft yet firm. [color=steelblue]”I’m Li’Kalla, Patron Goddess of the Faithful. Kalmar never mentioned your divinity to me before, which leads me to believe you may have ascended recently. How did you obtain divinity? Does it have to do with the slight scent of Kalmar’s aura that I detect around you?”[/color] [color=yellow]”It does,”[/color] Karamir nodded slightly. [color=yellow]”Kalmar… is dead. His last act was to pass his divinity on to me.”[/color] He then realized his words had been emotionless. He was so used to delivering the news... Li’Kalla furrowed her brow and came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. [color=steelblue]”He’s dead? May I ask for details on what brought on his death, if it’s not too fresh a memory?”[/color] [color=yellow]”Not too long ago, meteors and strange decaying energies started falling from the sky. It went on for… a few days, I think. I’m not sure. I was unconscious for a lot of it. Do you remember that?”[/color] [color=steelblue]”I do. Luckily none fell on the Capital, but other areas were heavily affected to the north and northeast. Did one of the meteors cause Kalmar’s death?”[/color] Li’Kalla asked with a subtle tilt of her head. He shook his head. His voice sounded almost hollow. [color=yellow]”No. Kalmar tried to stop it. A creature named Abraxus had taken over Orvus’s sphere. Kalmar fought it. He managed to free Orvus, and put a stop to the decaying energy, but in the end Abraxus was able to wound him. Ashalla and Arae arrived, but it took Orvus giving up his divinity in order to destroy Abraxus. Arae brought Kalmar back to me, and… I already told you what happened after that.”[/color] Li’Kalla crossed her arms and sighed, [color=steelblue]”He died a heroic death, I see. As expected of a man of his disposition. I see you’ve grown used to giving the news of Kalmar’s death, or shall I say, grown weary of it, so let’s discuss something else. For example, the reason behind your visit… But first, follow me.”[/color] With that, Li’kalla turned and walked to one of the locked doors all around the foyer. As she drew closer to it, it opened and light washed out from the room. It was a kitchen outfitted with a countertop and stools. [color=steelblue]”Take a seat while I prepare some local tea for us.”[/color] Karamir starred at the room in puzzlement - nothing in the Palace had looked like this - but then assumed that the stools were one of the ‘seats’ she was referring to, and so he approached one and sat down. Li’Kalla pulled the sleeves of her dress up a little and fished around a large cabinet for some time, before pulling out a rough clay pot and setting it down on the counter, then a tea strainer and two ceramic cups. Next, she filled a strange contraption with water from another strange contraption, and the flurry of activity became confusing enough to ignore. Instead Karamir took to studying literally anything else - the ceiling, the other furniture, Li’Kalla herself... Eventually, though, Li’Kalla held two cups of how tea in her hands, a wide grin on her face and a skip to her step as she practically floated over to the countertop where Karamir was sitting, and sitting opposite to him after setting down his cup of unsweetened tea in front of him. She took a sniff of her tea and let out a gasp of delight, [color=steelblue]“Aah~ I made it well this time. Memories really can be useful sometimes! Please try it, Karamir!”[/color] Karamir took the cup in hand and eyed it with some level of caution. After all, Kalmar had told him a story which involved this very drink, and the drink itself had not been described as pleasant. However, Kalmar had also told him the consequences of expressing distaste for the drink, and Karamir realized he could not refuse: not if he wanted this meeting to go well. [color=yellow]”Thank you,”[/color] he said simply, before taking a sip. He was… pleasantly surprised by the taste. It was not bad as it had been described, but while it was pleasant it was not overwhelmingly so. [color=yellow]”It’s good,”[/color] he said with a nod. Li’Kalla grinned and nodded, then took a sip of her own tea and relaxed. [color=steelblue]”Yes, so about the reason behind your visit…?”[/color] [color=yellow]”I came to find out what happened to those who followed you here. The Vallamir back on Kalgrun were spreading strange stories, and it turns out none of them were true,”[/color] Karamir said with a shrug. [color=steelblue]”As is usually the case with mortal rumours. You must have confirmed the fate of these Vallamir and Valthumir a while ago, so why have you come to me?”[/color] She asked and took another sip of her drink. Karamir furrowed his brow. [color=yellow]”Valthumir? What’s that?”[/color] [color=steelblue]”Those with pure blood, showing Streaks of Divinity such as white hair, grey eyes… In the case of men, strong jawlines and lean muscle with a lot of explosive strength potential. In the case of females relatively prominent hips and ample stores of energy… There’s more, but they haven’t been disclosed yet and won’t be until the Faithful evolve some more.”[/color] Li’Kalla smiled and pointed at herself, [color=steelblue]”I possess almost all of the Streaks.”[/color] [color=yellow]“What makes them pure, exactly?”[/color] he asked with a slight tilt of his head. Li’Kalla’s smile faded, [color=steelblue]”I’m not sure. I believe the answer lies within my memories, but those are sealed away for now.”[/color] [color=yellow]”Oh,”[/color] Karamir was surprised. [color=yellow]”You can’t access your memories?”[/color] [color=steelblue]”Not without side effects at least. Courtesy of the Architect. It doesn’t bother me.”[/color] She shrugged. [color=yellow]”I lost my memory once,”[/color] Karamir revealed. [color=yellow]”Abanoc, the God of Recording, and Mnemosyne, his Avatar, helped fix it. If you decide you want your memory back, and you’re willing to trust them, they might be able to help you?”[/color] Li’Kalla furrowed her brow, [color=steelblue]”Yes, thank you for telling me. It is not the time yet, however.”[/color] He wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but decided not to press the issue further. [color=yellow]”Anyway… I came to you specifically, because the Vallamir kept telling me to go to you. They didn’t trust me, and wouldn’t answer all my questions.”[/color] [color=steelblue]”I see. So, what are your questions?”[/color] [color=yellow]”What disagreement caused Shengshi to curse these lands?”[/color] came the first, and in his eyes, the most important question. [color=steelblue]”I called him a deviant for encouraging unnatural behaviours, and he saw it fit to cause pain to mortals that had said nothing.”[/color] Li’Kalla sighed. [color=yellow]”What sort of unnatural behaviors?”[/color] he asked next, wondering just what exactly was unnatural in a world that was mostly handcrafted. Li’Kalla shifted on her seat with small frown on her face, before drinking all the contents of her cup and looking straight into Karamir’s eyes. [color=steelblue]”Encouraging sexual and romantic practices that do not normally produce offspring.”[/color] Karamir was momentarily taken aback. [color=yellow]”Is… is that it?”[/color] Li’Kalla nodded, [color=steelblue]”Yes, he cursed the land and indirectly cause the death of hundreds of mortal children that had nothing to do with the issue because of it.”[/color] His eyes widened further. He could not believe it. [color=yellow]”Because you disagreed over…”[/color] His head swam. [color=yellow]”That… that’s madness…”[/color] He whispered. [color=steelblue]”He’s a God that chose a physical form mixing animal with humanoid. If that is not a sign of derangement…”[/color] Li’Kalla sighed, placed her elbows on the counter and rested her head on the palms of her hands. [color=yellow]“Wait... why does his form matter?”[/color] Li raised an eyebrow, [color=steelblue]”A Divine should be the prime example-setter for their followers. Physical forms count into it, so if your example is that of a deviant’s fantasy of a slithering reptile mixed with vaguely humanoid characteristics - an example that no mortal can try to reasonably strive to achieve - then there’s no point to that specific form and is therefore a sign of either derangement or excessive self-absorption.”[/color] [color=yellow]”But… what if he created a species of humanoid reptiles? What then?”[/color] Karamir asked, his confusion only deepening. [color=steelblue]”Has he created such a species? I do not believe so. Therefore he’s simply a deviant. Such a shame for our Divine roster to be so… Strange. Ashalla was quite nice however, I loved the thematic implications of her chosen form. An Ocean Goddess that is the Ocean itself? Perfection. I do wonder if she allows substances foreign to water inside her body, however.”[/color] Li’Kalla hummed as she scratched the side of her nose. [color=yellow]”I don’t know if Shengshi created such a species or not,”[/color] Karamir admitted. [color=yellow]”But if he did… would you no longer consider him a deviant? His opinions on… other issues… aside?”[/color] The Goddess rolled her eyes, [color=steelblue]”He’d still be an individual that is capable of killing hundred of babies because he didn’t like a few words, and he’d still be encouraging unnatural acts, so he’d still be a deranged, dangerous, deviant entity. If he was a mortal and lived on this land my faithful would have culled him long ago...”[/color] Karamir sighed. [color=yellow]”But if he hadn’t done those things. If his appearance was the only issue. And he then went on to create a species that looked like him. What then?”[/color] She pursed her lips, and then, with difficulty, spoke, [color=steelblue]”Then… He’d be… Okay, I think?”[/color] She shrugged. [color=yellow]”So, if everything Kalmar told me was true, there was once a time when Galbar had no land and no life. Just the gods. Does that mean that, back then, all of the gods were deviants?”[/color] [color=steelblue]”If nothing is established, there can be no deviancy. Tell me, how many species now, eons after creation, reproduce homosexually while two sexes exist? That is my point.”[/color] [color=yellow]”Kalmar once told me of a woman named Hermes,”[/color] Karamir mused. [color=yellow]”She and another woman gave birth to an entire species, which had males as well as females. That woman was Xiaoli, a creation of Sheng…”[/color] he paused to see Li’Kalla glaring at him. [color=yellow][i]”Oh.”[/i][/color] After a moment, she shivered and shook her body. [color=steelblue]”I’m aware. Shards of my memories persist and I believe I used to know Hermes, so it disgusts me to know I laid my hands on a deviant’s skin.”[/color] Karamir maintained a diplomatic expression. [color=yellow]”I can see how you might find that… unusual… but aren’t there more important issues to be worried about?”[/color] [color=steelblue]”Of course. I make attempts at guiding the Valthumir down a righteous path every day in this cursed land. If it weren’t for my guidance, they would have had been swallowed by the mud long ago… And I also received troubling reports from the latest exploration rites.”[/color] The winged goddess suddenly furrowed her brow and looking down at the counter. [color=yellow]“What kind of reports?”[/color] Her voice was lower, [color=steelblue]”A massive canyon of snow-covered sandstone was found by the children undergoing the rites. I knew about this canyon of course, but… Their mentor reported to me that they found strange creatures in it. While climbing down, the very sandstone warped and… ‘Encased’... One of the children, then when another went to help the first, she was ‘encased’ as well. I’m not sure what that means, and the Valthumir was shaken up so I suggested he take some time to clear his head and comfort his pupils before reporting again.”[/color] [color=yellow]”They’re dead, then?”[/color] Karamir blinked. [color=yellow]”Have you taken a look at this place yourself?”[/color] [color=steelblue]”Most likely, considering the journey back from the north takes around two weeks for a group undergoing their exploration rites... But perhaps not. And as I mentioned, I’ve been to the location in the past, but never saw these creatures myself. In any case, we need more information before committing our divine time to this issue.”[/color] He tilted his head. [color=yellow]”Won’t we be the most capable of getting this information?”[/color] [color=steelblue]”At some point we have to let mortals prove themselves. A creature their patron Goddess has no information on, is the best opportunity to let them spread their wings.”[/color] [color=yellow]”Wait… did you give some of the Vallamir wings?”[/color] Karamir asked, raising an eyebrow. Li’Kalla stared at Karamir blankly. [color=steelblue]”No. It’s a manner of speech.”[/color] [color=yellow]”So, in other words…”[/color] Karamir mused, his eyebrows rising as a revelation dawned. [color=yellow]”You’re the only humanoid creature with the wings of a bird.”[/color] [color=steelblue]”What are y-”[/color] Suddenly, Li’Kalla gasped, blushed and spread her wings as far as they’d go, knocking more than a few things onto the floor. Karamir leaned back, fearing his careless words had once again provoked a fight. [color=steelblue]”Y-You! I am NOT a deviant! I just… I-I just,”[/color] She stammered, shrunk a little and looked down at her lap as she twiddled her thumbs, her wings slowly drooping a little, [color=steelblue]”I had them from before, okay! A-And, and they’re fluffy and soft and warm, okay! A girl needs something to cuddle sometimes and I don’t really like stuffed animals, s-so… It’s not even a cuddle okay, it’s like a hug. A big warm feathery hug. NOT a deviant.”[/color] Karamir relaxed, as a mixture of amusement and pity flowed through him. He fought to stifle a grin, and just barely succeeded. [color=yellow]”I’m sorry,”[/color] he said, sincerely, before another idea struck him. [color=yellow]”Though maybe that’s not such a bad idea. Giving some of them wings. It would make travel or exploration easier. And, it will prevent others from coming to that... conclusion.”[/color] Li’Kalla’s crimson blush kept on strong as she brought one of her wings forward and caressed it gently while avoiding Karamir’s gaze. [color=steelblue]”N-No. They can’t have wings. The only way they shall attain flight is by bending the world to their wills or by the use of advanced, futuristic technology.”[/color] [color=yellow]”Hmm. That’s disappointing.”[/color] Karamir got off the stool. [color=yellow]”Do you mind if I take a closer look?”[/color] Li’Kalla shrunk a little bit more and her voice came out shaky as she looked at Karamir through bangs of her pure white hair, [color=steelblue]”O-Of course, I don’t mind. Go ahead. C… Confirm it for yourself...”[/color] And so she shakily extended her wings again and straightened her back. Karamir walked toward her and reached out a hand to touch one of her wings. [color=yellow]”Similar softness to my cloak,”[/color] he observed. [color=yellow]”Only warmer. Probably because you’re actually alive. Hmm… do your arms make flying difficult? Most flying creatures don’t have to deal with those.”[/color] Li’Kalla shook her wing a little with a small gasp, but now she had relaxed somewhat. [color=steelblue]”Umm, no, I know how to use them just fine. I guess I learned that basic stuff before.”[/color] [color=yellow]“Hmm… most gods can fly without wings. So that brings up the question: do you need your wings to fly? If not, do they make flying easier? Or are they just for appearance and comfort?”[/color] [color=steelblue]”Huh? In my case I could only float very slowly if I tried to fly without using my wings.”[/color] [color=yellow]”I see…”[/color] Karamir said, withdrawing his hands. [color=yellow]”Hmm. I’d think about growing some wings myself, but I already have this cloak…”[/color] Li’Kalla frowned and puffed out her cheeks. [color=steelblue]”Don’t be a copycat. If anything I think leathery bat wings would suit you better.”[/color] [color=yellow]“They would likely be more durable, yes,”[/color] Karamir nodded thoughtfully. [color=yellow]“But… why don’t you want anyone to copy you? You said being different was a bad thing.”[/color] She crossed her arms and huffed, [color=steelblue]”Hmph! Traits like these are best passed down through natural means rather than simple copying, okay?”[/color] [color=yellow]“What sort of natural means?”[/color] Karamir furrowed his brow. She had already said that she would not grant them wings herself, so how could… [color=steelblue]”BREEDING of course!”[/color] Li’Kalla interrupted his train of though, her previous mood thrown to the wind and replaced by a wide childlike grin and a starry pair of eyes, [color=steelblue]”Oh, breeding! That’s the proper way of passing down traits both good and bad, it is the one thing you can control that has long-term, very palpable effects on everyone… Oh, oh, I really really really like thinking about it… How I can so easily fine tune what I tell my Faithful about proper breeding practices and watch the results in their offspring. Did you notice the children running along the streets outside, Karamir?”[/color] She asked breathily, leaning over the counter with her wings furled tightly against her body but still shaking in barely contained excitement, [color=steelblue]”Did you [i]see[/i] how many of them had true Streaks of Divinity, and how the Vallamir and Valthumir do not mingle even in their early lives? Oh, so beautiful! I only wish I could find someone acceptable to breed with…”[/color] Karamir’s cheeks reddened slightly. [color=yellow]”Oh… that’s what you meant… I um…”[/color] Li’Kalla sighed happily and went back to resting her head on her palms, looking up at the ceiling dreamily for a few moments before looking back at Karamir, [color=steelblue]”Ah… But what can a girl do. There’s no one of my status that I can consider a potential mate. What about you, do you have a mate, Karamir? Maybe a gal that you want to take for yourself? Oh gosh, perhaps you might have taken a liking to one of my girls here… I can pull some strings and plan out the rituals for you, if you want! We have some fertility enhancing herbs as well that I think you two could use...”[/color] Karamir’s eyes widened. [color=yellow]“Wh-what? No. I don’t… er… well, I thought about… um...”[/color] He stopped talking and took a deep breath. [color=yellow]”Can we talk about something else?”[/color] he suddenly asked. Li’Kalla tilted her head and looked at him blankly, before a smirk slowly seeped onto her face. [color=steelblue]”Oh, oh, no Karamir. See a male is supposed to say things without worrying about others, they’re supposed to take whatever they want whenever they want as long as it’s within the limits set by their superiors, and as long as it’s in the best interests of their mate and offspring. See, Karamir, you have to be more confident! Tell me who you want to take as your mate! I might be able to help you seduce her! I am a girl after all so I can give you advice, hehe.”[/color] She said with a giggle. [color=yellow]”Um… you wouldn’t know her…”[/color] he said nervously. [color=yellow]”She… saved my life once, and we seemed to get along. But I’m not completely sure I want… or that she wants…”[/color] [color=steelblue]”It… Doesn’t really matter what she wants however, as long as you’re of the same status. So just get her father’s approval and take her, if you want her. She’ll be happy that someone wants her.”[/color] Karamir looked at her with genuine befuddlement. [color=yellow]”It… [i]does[/i] matter what she wants. I can’t force her to do anything, nor would I want to. Is that how things are done here?”[/color] Li’Kalla rolled her eyes and sighed, [color=steelblue]”Ah, you ruined the mood. I don’t really want to help you find a mate any longer. Good luck, though. Your offspring will probably be quite healthy, if you do get to that level with a female.”[/color] [color=yellow]”Why don’t you let women have a choice in who they mate with?”[/color] Karamir asked. [color=yellow]”You, yourself, are a woman.”[/color] Li’Kalla blushed slightly and bit her lip, [color=steelblue]”Well, uhm, It’s just how it is. I want a proper male with good features to make me his mate. I don’t want to have a say in the matter, as it should be. I’m just a female, and he’s going to be risking his life to protect me and our children so I want him to feel like he can do anything.”[/color] [color=yellow]”That doesn’t make sense,”[/color] Karamir objected. [color=yellow]”You’re [i]deciding[/i] that you don’t have a say… yet with that decision you’re also proving that you do. It’s contradictory. You’re one of the strongest beings in existence. You always have a say, whether you choose to use it or not.”[/color] [color=steelblue]”Hey, it’s not my fault I’m a Goddess. I’m just another girl who wants a strong man. If a proper Valthumir God would rise and force his decision upon me I would be thrilled. There’s no better fantasy I can think of… Well, not [i]proper[/i] ones at least. Aah… It really stirs my soul.”[/color] She said with a small shiver. [color=yellow]“What if this hypothetical god is cruel, or abusive? What then?”[/color] She blushed deeper and let out a steamy breath. His eyes widened in horror. [color=yellow]”Wait… you don’t really want…”[/color] Li’Kalla perked up and shook her head vigorously, narrowing her eyes, [color=steelblue]”O… Of course not! That’d… That’d be… [i]Improper[/i], wouldn’t it?”[/color] She muttered, breath still heavy to some extent. Karamir sighed. He regained his composure, and when he spoke again, his was quiet. [color=yellow]“Take it from me. I spent years travelling with someone. Before you get any ideas, it’s nothing like the type of relationship we’re talking about. So, this ‘someone’ did everything in their power to hurt me and keep my life miserable. Others in my place might have been driven to death or madness. I stayed with them only because I believed I had no other choice.”[/color] He shook his head, and when he spoke again, his voice was full of resolve. [color=yellow]“Yet the day I finally chose to leave them, to make my own decisions and carve out my own fate, was one of the greatest days of my life.”[/color] [color=steelblue]”Huh...”[/color] Li’Kalla nodded, [color=steelblue]”I mean, yes. But also… You wouldn’t understand what a fragile, little girl like me feels like. I want to be protected, I want to be someone’s treasure…! I can’t feel like that if my mate is scared that embracing be a bit too roughly might hurt me. Ugh...”[/color] [color=yellow]”They won’t think that if you show them you’re strong and capable of protecting yourself, won’t they?”[/color] Karamir countered. [color=yellow]“You can be protected, while still being capable of protecting yourself. And you can be treasured, while still being capable of making your own decisions. Those are good traits to pass on to your offspring, aren’t they?”[/color] Li’Kalla squinted her eyes at him, and after a few moments sighed and shrugged, [color=steelblue]”You’re… Not completely wrong, I suppose. This is too deep a conversation for acquaintances to be having, however. Is there anything else you wanted to discuss?”[/color] Karamir thought for a moment. [color=yellow]”There is,”[/color] he said. [color=yellow]”Did a Foreas woman who called herself Silver or Ami come here?”[/color] She suddenly glared at Karamir. [color=steelblue]”No Ami has come here. You never met a Silver either, she doesn’t exist.”[/color] [color=yellow][i]”What?”[/i][/color] Karamir asked, his brows falling back into their furrowed state. [color=steelblue]”You never met her, do you understand? You may have met an Ami, but not a Silver.”[/color] He squinted in suspicion. [color=yellow]”Why?”[/color] Li’Kalla rolled her eyes, [color=steelblue]”So, anything else you wish to discuss?”[/color] [color=yellow]”There is another question I have,”[/color] Karamir nodded guardedly. [color=yellow]”Why did you help create the Vallamir?”[/color] [color=steelblue]”Of course, to ensure that this world had a civilization capable of defending itself. To ensure that they’re strong and can destroy our… Enemies?”[/color] She furrowed her brow and rubbed her temples, [color=steelblue]”Must be a part of my memories...”[/color] Karamir frowned. [color=yellow]”You seem to be making a lot of decisions without being certain as to why. Are you sure that’s a wise idea?”[/color] [color=steelblue]”I have confidence in my instincts. It is better to act and regret than to sit on the sidelines and always wonder what could’ve been.”[/color] [color=yellow]”You know how I said I once lost my memory?”[/color] Karamir asked. [color=yellow]”I didn’t lose all of it. I still had bits and pieces. I jumped to incorrect conclusions, and said things I regret.”[/color] he shook his head, then looked her straight in the eye. [color=yellow]”If Abanoc had not restored my memory when he did, I would have done things I would later regret as well.”[/color] Li’Kalla took in a deep breath, and then slowly opened her eyes to stare coldly at Karamir. [color=steelblue]”You misunderstand your position. The state of my mind, body and soul are none of your business. I have already told you my stance on my memories. Do not push your luck.”[/color] He looked as if he was about to say something more, but stopped himself. [color=yellow]”I am sorry if I have given offense.”[/color] he told her instead. He stepped back toward the counter, picked up his cup of tea, and took another sip. Li’Kalla waited for him to finish his drink and after he drained the last of the cup, he stood up. [color=yellow]”I’ll be going, then,”[/color] he said, and walked out of the kitchen. [color=steelblue]”I trust you won’t get lost finding the way out. Good fortune on your travels, Karamir.”[/color] The Goddess said as she herself stood up and began collecting the cups and utensils to be washed. [hr] [hider=Summary] Karamir finds the road. It is in terrible condition, because it’s basically the first road ever built by mortal hands. He introduces himself to the Vallamir building it. They’re friendly at first, but become increasingly annoyed and suspicious when he tries to learn more. Eventually he is told to leave. Karamir is annoyed. Once again Fenris is angry and tells him he shouldn’t stand for that. Once again Karamir tells him that there’s no point overreacting. Anyway he continues on, and eventually reaches the Capital. Everyone there is spooked by his presence. He reaches the manor and goes inside. He meets Li’Kalla and gives her the news of Kalmar’s death. She gives him some tea, and after recalling an incident between Kalmar and Shengshi, decides to tell her it’s good. Anyway they talk about stuff. Karamir asks about what Shengshi did. She then tells him about how Shengshi is a deviant and such. Karamir tries to figure out just how exactly she defines ‘deviant’ - one such reason is the fact that the snek’s form is a mixture of animal and human, when no such mortal species currently exist. Conversation eventually turns to the Vallamir and some of the dangers they face. She talks about how some went missing lately. Karamir suggests they help, but Li’Kalla says something about how it’s important to let mortals “spread their wings.” This suddenly gives Karamir an idea, and he asks if she gave any of the Vallamir wings. She says no. Karamir then proceeds to point out that wings are an animalistic feature, and she is the only one who has them, implying that by her own definition she is a deviant. He says this knowing full well that angels are a thing, so he’s actually just trolling. Li’Kalla is shook, however. So shook that Karamir apologizes, and suggests that she should give the Vallamir Red Bull. Li’Kalla refuses, saying that the Vallamir should invent Red Bull on their own. Anyway, Karamir asks to examine the wings more closely, and asks some questions regarding the potential complications of wings on a humanoid form. He then considers the idea of getting some wings for himself, but Li’Kalla is like: “No it’s an original idea plz don’t steal.” She then goes on to say that traits such as wings are best passed on through natural means… and then goes into a spiel about breeding. She then goes into full shipper mode and offers to give Karamir dating advice. Karamir refuses to reveal who he is actually interested in, but points out that he still isn’t entirely sure he wants her, or that she wants him. Li’Kalla then gets creepy and says that what a woman wants doesn’t matter. A debate about consent then ensues, which kills Li’Kalla’s mood. Karamir points out that she, a woman, wants to restrict the rights of other women, but Li’Kalla is like: “That’s fine, I don’t want to have a say in who I end up with.” Karamir is becoming increasingly disturbed, and now has to mansplain the merits of feminism to her. Unfortunately, she remains a staunch supporter of the patriarchy. Eventually Li’Kalla is like: “You don’t know me well enough to have this discussion” so they move onto other matters. Karamir asks if Silver showed up, and Li’Kalla immediately adopts a hostile and evasive tone. He attempts to press the matter somewhat, but eventually drops the issue. Out of curiosity, he asks why she helped create the Vallamir. She reveals that she wants the world to have a strong civilization capable of defeating the world’s enemies. She doesn’t know what those enemies are, however - she’s just acting on bits and pieces of her memories. Karamir then points out that acting on incomplete information like that is probably a bad idea. She says it’s none of his business. Things get awkward. He finishes his tea and leaves. [/hider]