[center][b]TL;DR: Looking for someone who can consistently provide quality posts and will help move the plot along for a modern (light, light, light fantasy) pairing/adventure[/b][/center] Forgive the bare bones of this IC ): Hey guys! I'm Callie, a 28-year-old she/her in EST. Kind of looking for something particular, so bear with me. I've got a certain idea in mind thanks to a recent partner. However, due to our muses that were taken elsewhere, I find myself still in search of someone who can finish this with me. It would include a search for some sort of legendary relic such as the Philospher's Stone, the Holy Grail, or the Shroud of Turin. Finding it will be grueling, and who knows what - or who - is guarding it? I would like to include more mature characters and some themes that may cause some distress, such as grief and other darker themes. A little bit about me as a partner: [list][*]I'm off for the next two weeks, so I'm excited to get something going. After that, I work an odd schedule with twelve hour shifts. I will not hassle you, but I do like to communicate OOC. Gushing about our characters, thinking about ways to get angsty and dramatic? sign me up! [*]I will always reply with at least 500 words per post with descriptions of my character's actions, emotions, and reactions. [*]I don't have many limits, and like to include mature content in my roleplays. I don't usually fade to black but, be convincing enough, and you may persuade me. [*]I like multiple characters. It doesn't matter to me if you have them or not.[/list] As far as partners are concerned, I'm looking for someone who can be patient as we both go through life and offer replies that are engaging and - hopefully - full of both quality and quantity. I have some ideas regarding what kind of backstories our characters could have, but that's up to negotiation. Like [I]everyone else on this goddamn site[/I], I'm looking for a male main character to my female. Idgaf how you identify in life if you can give me a quality roleplay. There should be some opportunity to double - if you'd like - with LGBTQ+ options later in the roleplay <3 I wouldn't hate to receive a writing sample and I'll give you one in return so that we can ensure we will be compatible with each other's styles. I hope to hear from y'all soon!