[Center][h2] Hayden Twilight[/h2][/center] I sign in defeat. “Fine. I wasn’t really one hundred percent on this anyway.” I sink into my chair. “I just want to stop the Galaxy from ending. First you Republic spends decades fighting and unkillable evil Emperor, then the horrors of that war create the monster that is Sucal. Now Sucal wants to bring back the Emperor, and I don’t know what to do!” [Center][h2]Jakito Twilight[/h2][/center] I walk over and kneel down in front of her. “You don’t have to do anything. You’ve tried to make yourself Sucal’s nemesis, like you are the only one who can defeat him, but that isn’t true. We are ALL trying to stop him together. None of us alone can succeed. Sucal threatens the Force itself, and it therefore the Force itself that is his nemesis; the Light and the Dark. Your mother and I, Jerus and Zar’kun, Cosen and Gavin, even Xanthippe Naberrie and Jude Sucal. All of us walk different paths, yet all of us should be united to fight together so that we may continue to live as we do. The Force needs to be in balance, working as a unified... well, force. If we are divided, we’ll be too busy fighting each other and not focusing on the true enemy.” [Center][h2] Hayden Twilight[/h2][/center] I nod slowly. “Nice speech, Dad. You practice that or was that off the cuff?” [Center][h2] Jakito Twilight[/h2][/center] I smile. “A little of column A and a little of column B.” I stand up. “Now, are we all good? Can we at least wait for this kid to be born before we start deciding his fate?” [Center][h2] Hayden Twilight[/h2][/center] “Yeah, sure. But if he turns out to be evil, don’t say I didn’t warn you all.” I look at Jude. “Remove her restraints.” [Center][h2] Jude Sucal [/h2][/center] “Wait, that’s it? We’re just letting her go? I came all this way...” [Center][h2] Hayden Twilight[/h2][/center] “You wanted my advice on how to deal with Korre’s baby, and I’ve given it. If you are so keen on sacrificing kids, why don’t you go sacrifice yourself!” That shuts him up. He gives me a pained look, quickly goes to untie Korre’s hands.