[h2][centre] [color=a2d39c] [color=f6989d]Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" [/color][color=6ecff6]& Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" [/color][/color][/centre][/h2] [h3][centre] [color=a2d39c]Monday evening to Saturday - Sol City food Festival - special event [/color][/centre][/h3] [b]Diets, Dilemas and Deep fried twinkies.[/b] [b]Victoria[/b] Victoria had to laugh at her comments about lunch choices, a little Google time had found her Instagram and seen some of the other food and things she posted. Cute, pretty and all very trendy but some days just turned out wanting good old fashioned junk food. Her choice was definitely not instagram food, it was kind of interesting to see past the layers she put up, maybe Victoria could lower her guard abit as she really just wanted just wanted someone to talk to. Even of it was silly stuff, good or whatever. The city could be a alittle lonely at times even with so many many people about. [i][color=6ecff6]"Keep the change, tip for making our mouths water."[/color][/i] leaving a decent sized tip on top, not really needed but she could. Manami knew she was fairly well off so there was no real need to hide or pretend to be anything but herself. [@Tyler Night] Reaching the table, a little shakey one hand on the ornate blue cane, it's snow flake shaped guard on the top glittering in the sunshine. Something about that made her think what if but another part claimed down simply stating the fact, it was done. Your pregnant, you have ernough issues and hormones running about to make a person emotionally unstable already. [i][color=6ecff6]"you where having a bad day, it was this or we found ice-cream and way too much sugar. Or both..."[/color][/i] Victoria was very much trying to help, losening the belt and her coat abit so it was more comfortable to sit down in. She was warm ernough, especially with all the people about, stalls and cooking going on in the area. Enjoying the wings, cheesey chips and just junk food in general. Victoria was a alittle uncomfortable but only because she recognised how close this issue was to Manami and would feel bad giving her the wrong advice. She really did not want to make things worse for her new friend. Victoria definitely had her own problems but they where work, there was questions about the babies father, family and more running round her head. Plus the whole having to be responsible for the life, well being and future of a little human being that was her child in 7 and abit months was... Frankly it was pretty terrify when you thought to deeply into the matter. She had Maria and others to fall back on but really missed her mum at times lately. [i][color=6ecff6]"just look after you Manami, if you ever need a escape, let me know ok? Even it's just going out for overpriced hipster coffees. My schedule is fairly flexible bar hospital and some appointments at the consulate coming up. Oh yes! Let's have fun, ive been stuck in my office a fair bit this week. Working for self...really involves work."[/color][/i] laughing slightly, yeah she was a little unconventional. Her work was going well really. She had landed on her feet at least and starting on refilling her accounts after her recent spending spree. Her car was great but it was not the cheapest purchase. [i][color=6ecff6]"I never been, it just smelt delicious so I thought it had to be good. Now I know il have to go to this place again, I don,t even know where it is but il find it."[/color][/i] Able to relax a alittle, Isosef was keeping a eye from a polite distence, she trusted her new friend not to go to press or anything. She knew the price of fame and the dangers of it all too well. While her chips and wings vanished at a rate that belied her tiny size and rather slim figure, almost a little dangerously thin. She would not be able to hide her whole situation for as long as she would have preferred. Maybe if it was warmer Victoria could wear a looser sun dress or so? Cheerful at change of topic, Victoria opened up abit, though it was clear even with the Russian blending into English accents that despite her nerves she had made peace with the whole situation. Instinctivly wrapping a arm round her stomarch region and tiny growing baby.[i][color=6ecff6]"мой маленький обитатель чрева [sub]My little womb dweller[/sub]" oops... Brain fart. Yep. Bun in oven is healthy, the bakery is definitely feeling it though. A mini me... Long as they get there father's height! I'm rather petite! Not even 5 foot... Cassandra Romus Asher is a pretty name, or after mum Darya. A girl, I admit Id know alot more about a daughter. She would definitely be a heartbreaker though with my looks and a bit more curves. I don,t know yet. It's not at a stage I really ever would of wanted people to know. Circumstances forced my hand.[/color][/i] Wondering if she should say and nibbling on a chicken wing, slowly deciding before thinking. [i][color=6ecff6]"I was kinda terrified at first but now, well I can,t wait to cuddle them, not gonna lie it was scary at first."[/color][/i] Her life plans where, well she never really had major plans now she had a enormous shift in her future onto a entirely different track. Having a child was there but...not ...now it took a whole new train track of life. [i][color=6ecff6]"So? Any gossip for me? Don,t hold out on me. I'm not gonna share this one, just for my photo wall. A real one of you. Fancy trying something more exotic? not eaten anything like that since Africa, my dad took me out there a few times on buissness trips."[/color][/i] smiling, she wanted to find out how things where going other than drama. Her sister was playing decoy somewhat from Joel and Siobhan. Rile them up a little, keep them off Victoria. Taking a photo of them together, just normally dressed with a arm round her shoulder and a bunch of junk food on the table, no filters and no fancy lighting. Telling the most of the truth, she did join her dad on trips for work. Granted that work was not somthing she wanted to reveal so openly. God help if the press realised she was "deaths daughter", the silly tabloid term related to her father. She had ernough on her plate without dealing with that bullshit. Spotting a stall advertising foods like snake, alligator and other nastier critters. Victoria had tried a few more intresting things in Africa and Mogadishu. A quick check of a phone app told her that they would not be in conflict. She had not smelt anything like for years, heady spices, carried Cusine and exotic meats brought back the markets and such of the dark continent. [@Rabidporcupine] Waiting and talking as they are there wings and chips, maybe Manami had a little more of a wild side under her rather pretty and flawless skin tone. She had to admit she was a little envious of her rather percent apearence. She was plain pretty regardless of what she wore. [hr] Talking with Manami [@Allycat] [hr]