[@GhostOrb] Your character is accepted, but I would strongly suggest buffing it slightly. [quote=@AmpharosBoy] Speaking of interaction, the whole party split is going to be somewhat disappointing for me. It'll lead to a lot of missed potential where I like to really gauge how my character can mix with others, and also leads to some possibly forced squad-stacking in the sense of the [sub][sub][i]oingo boingo[/i][/sub][/sub] brothers. I understand having a twelve-person group is an absurd thought of Stand power to have in a concentrated area, but that just points to going over the original limit presenting another problem (albeit admittedly not as absurd as the previous problem that was presented). This is just a personal issue, though. [/quote] Well, I have good news for you then! The group will eventually meet and work together, due to the brokenness of the antagonist's powers.