Agatha poked her head out from a supply closet. "What's this about a disaster?" Her aunts gave her a quick summary, causing her to frown. "But [i]why[/i] would anyone do that? What would there be to gain from making everyone miss Halloween -- or make us think we missed it?" Agnes pointed disparagingly at the broom on the ceiling. "Someone who thinks it would be [i]amusing[/i] to [i]inconvenience[/i] us all." Granted, they didn't have any proof who the culprits were there, either, but there likewise was only one logical conclusion. The youngest witch shrugged and gave a small nod. "Fair enough." She suddenly blinked, narrowing her eyes as she let out a heavy sigh. "Something tells me there was probably a lot more to that bag of spices than I realized. They were pretty interested in it... I think I'm going to go double-check all of the wards around the shop. Make sure they didn't have anything to do with it." She spent the next several hours examining every nook and cranny of the building for even the smallest space that the wards didn't cover. While she was at it, she took into account that the effect of forget-me-lots can wear off more quickly if the person is subjected to enough reminders in a reasonable amount of time, and ran through all sorts of information she new about the tricksters and the spices she had found. The first thing that came to mind was Barrel's higher propensity for cooking compared to the other three. Immediately after that was his higher interest in the unexplained spices, which was in turn followed by Carver telling him to knock it off and Shock dragging him away. She followed a few reasonable trains of thought, ditching those that didn't feel quite right. By the time she was certain the shop and living quarters were trickster-proof, she had mostly pieced together where the spices had come from and why. She had some regret for the ones she had given away in the human world. On the other hand, Carver had pretty casually bought some of the less human-friendly ones in the late evening, and Agatha was pretty sure those would end up back in Barrel's claws rather than in the Doctor's food. Too bad her revenge scheme was foiled, and Barrel wouldn't have to actually work for them...