The year is 7512, in the Transanic Sea. These waters share borders with the mighty nation of Doros, the Xiadan empire, and the Trasis Republic. Though the three nations are not at war, tension is still in the air between them due to various reasons regarding trade, territory, and of course Piracy. A pirate's life is not a new or unusual one in the lands of Keratia. In a world where a vast majority known is covered in a single massive ocean, travel by sea is the primary means of travel between nations. And for that reason nearly ever nation has a navy and fights for control of the ocean not only from rival nations, but from those within the depths as well. The unknown below, deep beyond where the sun shines, lives ancient civilizations who do not take kindly to the surface dwellers encroaching on their homes, and have attacked any ships that come near them. Trouble is, these same civilizations are not known for their diplomatic abilities. More often than not perfectly harmless vessels are destroyed because they simply stumbled somewhere they did not know they should be. And thus, while ocean domination is important, it is difficult for those without the capital and will to battle against all enemies. A pirate's life is not an easy one. But for those with the courage and wits it is one that can easily lead you into a life of legends. You are Talogan Malgrogar. A hobgoblin pirate, an oddity among most sea raiders not only due to your race but also due to your choice of methods. A holy warrior on the ocean almost seems like a joke, however you have already sunken many who dare say as much to your face, and those who know you know that regardless of your piety, you are not the type of holy warrior who will grant mercies or pity to your enemies. Though you captain your own ship, it's crew and armament could use considerable work. Up until now you had been working under a different crew and captain, slowly working your way up to obtaining your own ship, which you've finally done. But there are complications. It was a simple conundrum of too many predators and not enough prey. You, as well as many others, have committed to piracy, making a handy profit from robbing merchant ships or coastal towns. With the various nations' navies tied up dealing with sea monsters or preparing for war pirates have been scrambling to rob and pillage as much as they can. But now, what few merchant ships that do come around are heavily protected, and what few coastal towns that still remain are too poor to be worth robbing beyond taking villagers as slaves. Many pirate captains have chosen to either sail to other waters to plunder, or even sell their swords to various lords and guilds to raid and plunder other pirates. As for you, your options were limited. Due to your reputation most common folk, even guards, don't dare encourage your wrath less they taste your blade. But that same vicious reputation has also made you an enemy to most governments capable of actually putting up a fight, and with a bounty of 2000 GP on your head, it's not unusual for some hopeful manhunters or even adventurers to try and come collect. But perhaps you could find a town that doesn't know you. A place where you could start fresh and hopefully clear your bounty. Or perhaps you can just continue patrolling your sea, taking on any rivals or preying on any fools who don't have the means to protect themselves from you. The choice is yours.