Lucien continued to fly through the top of the trees. With the amount of noise Faolan was making as he traversed through the tree's, it hadn't been too difficult to find him again, but he still made sure to keep his distance. In the times the creature seemed to.. have caught a meal, Lucien would use that chance to rest on a tree a decent distance away, not really wanting him to track him again. Keeping up with him was more tiring than he thought it would be but.. he managed. He wanted to be sure to be close enough whenever he shifted back.. which he assumed would be when the sun came up. The more he thought about it, the more other things began to make sense. His sense of hearing, smell, and his strength were highly above the normal human, and now he knew why. There was a part of him that wondered why Faolan hadn't told him. He had always been a pretty private person but.. the thought that he might not have trusted him with his secret saddened him. He shook his head, trying to shake off the thought. That wasn't really what was important right now. As Faolan began to move again, so did he. It.. was surely going to be a long night.