[color=bfe3df][b]Sheena Zern[/b][hr][/color] Her sisters words softened Sheena, if only slightly. Even so, she seemed a bit more on guard now- while less intense, she also seemed to be worried. Whether that was over her sister or the unfortunate state of Venus, it couldn't be easily told. ". . .It certainly sounds like him." Sheena showed some restrained and refrained from giving her favorite wheat strain. This wasn't the time or place, tempting as it was. No, this conversation didn't have the right to be light. "You're right. I have a good enough understanding of what's to come." She paused for a moment, placing an idle hand at her hip. "A lot of people are going to die." There seemed to be a hint of mirth in her voice for just a moment, but only that long. It was never the princess' intent, but that would probably end up being the true reason she had found herself here. That was 'gravity' for you. The princess sighed, resigning herself to a dreary and uncertain future. It may not have seemed it, but the resistance and civil unrest of Venus were in theory a sideshow to her. The reality of the situation was naturally different, but still. Regardless- "I'm more concerned about what comes after, Asallia. This is a battle fought over hearts, and not just on Venus." It went without saying of course. But being who she was, Sheena said it anyway. She was familiar with such things, at least. More than any tool, it was your heart that allowed you to kill enemies and seize 'victory'. She was sure of at least that much from personal experience. Regardless, more immediate subjects needed to be discussed. She took on a more formal posture, though still candid as ever. It was time to go over what had made her initiate this little talk in the first place. "There'll be an important military reform conference shortly after our arrival on Annona. If you want to send anyone along, please do. More insight is always good." It was perfectly obvious who in particular Sheena was getting at. This time however, she decided to leave the obvious to float all on its lonesome. "When our schedules open up, we should have a nice, long, talk. Assuming you desire it, of course." Sheena turned to leave as she spoke, giving her sister sparse time to respond about the invitation. Given that she wasn't expecting an answer right now, perhaps Sheena thought it fine and appropriate. That done, Sheena made a quick but relatively graceful exit. However, it seemed she wasn't quite finished. "Regarding your speech- I'm probably not qualified to say it since I don't write my own, but. . ." The princess stopped at the door for one ghost of a moment. A brief delay later and the door opened to afford her exit. The Guards had to confirm there was nothing suspicious going on in the outside hallway, after all. "Well. I'm not so sure the mood can get anymore sour, so I wouldn't let Dads specter bother you." It was hard to tell if she was encouraging Asallia or making fun of her. Without saying goodbye, she exited her sisters chambers and made for her own. Final preparations had to be made before the Venue's arrival, after all. Had the Guards looked behind themselves, they would've seen Sheena smiling as she left her sisters room.